Religious Part 2

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a/n i may or may not really hate the way this turned out. i saved the hard ones for last and that was a mistake. you guys might/will still like it, but if its not up to par, i know

Levi hid behind you as your mother opened the door. "Y/N, I haven't seen you in..." She noticed the man behind you. "Hi, welcome in. I'll go get your father." She walked back inside, and you bought Levi in. You could hear their conversation. "Please don't say anything about the boy's hair, you might make Y/N mad." You looked at your boyfriend who was looking at the ends of his hair. Your parents walked in then and sat down. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Levi." "A nice name for a nice boy." Your mother's smile was fake and strained. You brushed it off and continued talking. "Now, this is really important information, and it will come as a shock to you, but please listen." Nothing that starts like that ends well. In the middle of your explanation, your father screamed, "I knew it! The hair is just unnatural. You demon!" Levi's face made your mother realize something. Her eyes widened as she lightly smacked your father. "You're hurting Levi's feelings!" "He has no feelings. The monster." Tears started to leave Levi's eyes as he sat there with his head down. You looked at your parents, one looked back at you with rage, and the other motioned for you to take Levi away. By the time Levi had calmed down, so had your father and he was ready to talk. "But only talk. He's still a demon after all."

Your mother almost screamed when she opened her front door. You would to if you opened the door to a tall, buff, backlit dude standing at your door. After she calmed down and you got your welcome hugs in, you all sat down at the dining table. "You two are in luck, I made enough food for at least 2 weeks of leftovers!" You looked at Beel with a smirk and mumbled, "That's what she thinks." He chuckled back at you and everyone sat down. Beel had been practicing eating slower, so the food didn't disappear immediately. "What's your name young man?" "Beel." "That's an odd name. Is it short for something?" "I have some explaining to do before we get to that bit." You started to explain the entire situation, but your parents were distracted by your boyfriend. He was stressed enough that he got even hungrier, and his stomach was almost louder than you. "You can still eat, young man." Your father chuckled at another loud rumble. "Thank you, sir." Beel tried to eat slowly, but the food was gone before you even told your parents Beel's full name. "So that leaves me with Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony." Your mother laughed as she served Beel another scoop of mashed potatoes. "That makes a lot more sense." "Wait, he's not going to eat your soul? Or you at all?" Beel's head perked up. "No, no I would never eat Y/N." He kissed you on the cheek and went back to the food. Your parents smiled at the sheer cuteness of him. "Your a fine man, Beel," your father nodded at you in approval. You smiled and looked down at your plate, expecting nothing to be there, but all the food you put there was intact.

Belphie tried to catch up on sleep before you two got to your parents' house. On the ride there he was passed out, the night before he had to have slept at least 15 hours. Coffee didn't work so you just had to hope he could stay awake. In your living room, he sat up straight and looked your parents in the eyes, shook their hands, everything you should do when you meet your partner's parents. "So kid, what's your name?" "My name is Belphegor, but you can call me Belphie." Your father eyed you suspiciously. "Explain." You jumped at the sudden and forceful question, but you tried to explain the demon situation. Sometime during the long explanation, Belphie laid his head on your shoulder and went to sleep. This was so normal that you didn't notice, but your parents did. Your mother glared at your boyfriend, probably thinking he was being rude. You noticed and tried to hurriedly excuse him before she got anymore mad. "Oh, I'm sorry Mom, the brothers are all assigned a sin. Belphie's the Avatar of Sloth, so he sleeps a lot. He's not being rude at all." She softened. "How much does he sleep?" Your father quipped. "Whenever I can." Belphie's eyes were still closed. Your mother jumped, not expecting the obviously asleep man to speak, "Oh, Jesus!" "Oh, sorry but he's not here right now." Everyone laughed and some more questions were thrown around. Later, your father took you to the next room over alone. "What do you think about him?" ", he's alright. But I brought you over here to tell you if he hurts you, I'll kill him." You chuckled nervously, "Yeah, yeah alright."

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