His butler, Able 💙Diavolo & Barbtos❤️

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a/n this is a request from MoonlitKitsune i'm so sorry this took so long, and it turned into more fluff than angst, but i hope you still enjoy it! i also couldn't get the idea of adding an anime out of my head, but you definitely don't have to have watched it to understand this, and there's no spoilers (•̀•́)و

"Barbatos, do you think you could grab some tea for Lucifer and me?"

Diavolo watched as his butler bowed and walked out the door. The butler in question looked to see if anyone was around before opening a small portal to the kitchen. That would save him at the very least a couple minutes. Appearing in front of the kettle, he turned on the heat and gathered the tea. He pulled out the brand-new bag of basic Earl grey tea for Lucifer, and a small pouch of his own special blend for his Lord. The kettle whistled at him and he swiftly placed the shiny leave holders in their respective cups of boiling water. Diavolo had his red Kintsugi cup, an expensive Japanese cup decorated with gold filaments placed in crack shapes around it. Lucifer preferred a darker cup, a black one with a red coated inside. Checking his pocket watch, he made the tea a little too slow for his liking, so he placed everything he needed on a gold tray before stepping through a new portal. This one placed him directly in front of Diavolo's study door. He opened it as quietly as he always did and saw the two men still conversing in the two chairs facing the fireplace. He placed the tray on the table behind them, waiting until they finished talking before interrupting them.

"Levi has been raging about a new anime he's watching. Black butler I think it was called?" Diavolo nodded, fully engrossed in what Lucifer was saying. "I only bring it up because it's about demons. I remember most of what he said, but the demon in the show was posing as a European butler, so some things might not have been real, even for the storyline."

"Before you tell me about the show, tell me about the demon himself. Posing as a butler?"

"Yes, he was put out to be the perfect butler, always on time, everything in its place. He almost ran the entire manor by himself from what I heard. All the while investing crimes and keeping his master safe."

Barbatos stopped listening, something he should have done earlier. The perfect butler? He told himself he'll need to watch this show to make sure his standards were up to par. It was only a minute more before Diavolo turned and noticed the sneaky demon. Barbatos served them their tea before making sure the rest of the castle was in shape.

He hung his tailcoat on his coatrack neatly. All his duties were finished for the afternoon, but he would need the coat again when he went down to make sure dinner was going smoothly. Sitting in a chair in the corner of his room, he took out his D.D.D. and found the show Lucifer was talking about on a streaming platform. Checking his pocket watch, he had time for only a couple episodes, but he planned to skip around for only the butler scenes.

He only watched the first episode, but what he saw disheartened him. Sebastian, the demon butler, saved a burnt dinner, removed a tablecloth from a full dinner table (because most of a wine bottle spilled onto it), and scare off a man that was troubling his master, all in the first episode. Barbatos ran most of a full castle staff, with only help from the head maid, but Sebastian's staff was completely incompetent. An able butler was an understatement.

Barbatos refused to watch another episode, remembering Lucifer's warning of inaccuracy, and went down to dinner early. He found everything going smoothly and decided to make the dessert himself. He changed the plan from the original cake to the lemon meringue pie from the show. Whether he was inspired or he made it out of spite, even he didn't know.

Later that evening, he set the desert in front of Lord Diavolo. "Thank you, Barbatos! I really don't how I ended up with the best butler and friend." His huge smile brought a smaller one to his own. Remembering the show, he couldn't help himself.

"Thank you for the compliment, but I'm sure I'm not the best." He bowed and tried to leave but Diavolo called out to him. "Was there something else you needed?"

"You stopped deflecting my compliments decades ago, is something wrong?" Diavolo and his praises.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just stating the truth." He realised his mistake quickly. Diavolo saw self-deprecating remarks on a similar level of, well an unhappy friend. It was something that could not happen under any circumstances. Diavolo stood up and grabbed his butler's arms.

"I don't want to pull the Lord card. Something's wrong. Was it something I said?"

"No, no, no. It's nothing you've done, my lord. It's really nothing at all." Barbatos gave up on trying to convince him, so downplaying it was the next best option.

"Well, if it's really nothing, how can I make it absolutely nothing?" Diavolo sighed out. There was no way to ask Barbatos directly, but the butler saw right through the plan.

"There's nothing for you to do. Now, your pie won't be as good if it warms up, and it will if you keep standing here." Barbatos bowed and left Diavolo to his dessert, wincing internally at the slight stab of his tone. All that could be done is to be better. Be better than any other demon, even fictional. Either that or find another demon worthy of being the future king of the Devildom's butler.

He wasn't even three doors away from the dining hall when a hand grabbed his shoulder. He whirled around to see golden eyes almost glowing in the dim hallway.

"There's no way you're alright. As much as I don't want to, it'll have to do. As your Lord I'm telling you to tell me what's wrong. I know you, and whenever you aren't feeling well about something, your work suffers. You always get into a really low slump before saying anything about it." Barbatos pieces together carefully, making sure he wasn't lying or avoiding the situation to well. He had two options, tell Diavolo right out, or avoid it if possible. Diavolo was right, avoiding it would lead to some unsatisfactory work.That was the exact issue he wanted to avoid.

He smothered his pride and spoke softly, "Is there any way I could be a better servant to you?"

"What brought this up? You are the best butler I could ask for."

"I have found some categories I lack in, and all I need to do is improve. That's all there is to it." Reexplaining it in his head started to make his argument and reasons warp. He felt like he needed to hide, avert his eyes, and run off and away from the red head. He kept his eyes trained lightly next to the glowing eyes, staring at Diavolo's nose.

"You're going to have to explain." He didn't get anything but a stoic face from Barbatos, so he sighed heavily. "That's it, I'm pulling the boss card. As your Lord, I command you to tell me what's wrong."

Barbatos relented quickly. "I found evidence that I could be better butler, and I was going to improve myself. I couldn't accept a false compliment."

"Is this about the conversation I had with Lucifer? I can never tell when you're listening in." Diavolo looked to see any response from Barbatos, and getting nothing, kept talking. "We looked into it and the show is more than unrealistic. Absolutely no one can do what he does. It's fiction." He placed a hand on the still-motionless butler. "There is no way you can compare to someone literally more powerful than me." That caught Barbatos' attention.

He thought about it, replaying all the things Sebastian did in the episode. Imagining Diavolo trying to scare a human by manipulating an entire mansion through chance would end in disaster. A small smile creeped onto the butler's face as Diavolo looked at him confused.

"Was that all it took?" This drew a full-on laugh from Barbatos, and Diavolo nodded in realisation. "You're thinking of me failing, aren't you?"

"I'll leave you to your dessert now." Barbatos left the smile on his face, quietly thankful for the reassurance. Obviously happy with himself, Diavolo gave Barbatos a hug.

"I really suggest watching the show through to the end. However, picture it more as... a superhero. A super-demon if you will." His exaggerated wink made up for the lack of light in the hallway. His top hand patted a stiff back. "But lemon meringue, huh? That's different." They traded soft smiles and went their separate ways, Barbatos to his duties, and Diavolo to his dessert.

a/n also if anyone else wants to make any requests, i want to be able to find them all, so i'd like it if they all ended up in either: my dms, the first chapter's comments, or my conversation board. this is just a 'from now on thing,' so anyone who's made a request before hasn't done anything wrong.

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