Accidental (Part 2)

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I went from reading a new mystery in my reading chair to sitting on the floor. I got up and saw a human and a baby. The baby boy started to cry at my intrusion and the human picked him up to calm him down. They walked away from me and I tried to speak. "Why-" They shot me a look to keep quiet and I put my hands up in defeat.
I felt their eyes follow me as I walked around the room. There was a bookcase that I walked over to. The collection wasn't big, but the books that were there weren't half bad. Most of the Sherlock Holmes books, quite a few Agatha Christie, the complete collection of the Lord of the Rings and Mary Poppins. Not bad for a human house.
The baby finally calmed down and fell asleep, so the human spoke up, "Who are you?" "My name is Satan, and the fact that you are even asking that question leads me to believe that you did not summon me on purpose." "No shit sherlock." I pulled one of the Sherlock books of the shelf to see which one it was. 'The study in Scarlet.' "I am the Avatar of Wrath, so I wouldn't annoy me very much." I put the book back and held the book I was reading before to my chest. "If you have nothing to say to me, I should take my leave."
They looked at me, then the book in my hands. "Hey, I just read that book. How far are you in it?" My brain stuttered at the casual remark. "I'm almost finished. Chapter 52." They kept asking me questions about the book. Who's your favourite character? How did you feel about the plot twist in chapter 37? I answered them carefully.
After a few more questions, I interrupted them. "You realise I am a demon, right?" "Well, yeah, but you haven't killed me, and you have a good taste in books." They confused me. We talked about the book a little more before shifting to more personal topics. Their name was Y/N, and I told them about my brothers.
Eventually, they got a call. "His parents are going to be home soon; you should probably go back to wherever you came from." "Here is my number. I'll, give you a call when I finish the book so I can give you my full opinion on it." I don't know why I did that.

I was trying to put on eyeliner, but a white light interrupted me. I looked up to see two humans, one was a baby. Luckily, they had a mirror in the room, so I walked over to it to finish my makeup.
The baby started to cry, and I pouted. "Are you that upset to cry when you see my pretty face?" I shook my head and finished my makeup. My lip balm as still at the house, so my lips were bare. I turned to see that the baby was sleeping now. "Who are you and how did you get here?" The human was standing on the other side of the room, a frown on their face.
"One, frowning will give you wrinkles. Two, did you not mean to summon me?" The confused look on their face told me that they didn't. "Well, I'm Asmodeus, Avatar of Lust, and I do have to ask, are you free tonight...?" I finally took a good look at them, and oof. They were fine. "My name is Y/N, and I'm afraid not, and I won't be anytime soon. Now can you please explain to me why you're here?" I laid down on the couch and explained the whole summoning thing.
At one point, I sat up and looked into their eyes. Usually, I would charm them at this point, and they would be head over heels for me, but it didn't work. "Are you all right?" I jumped. "What?" "You spaced out for a bit there." "Are you completely human?" "That's a dumb question. Why?" "You're not attracted to me."
I probably sounded mental, but this was important. "Should I be? I mean, yeah your attractive, but-" Their phone rang. "Sorry... Hello?" It was the baby's parents. "They will be home soon, and I don't think they want a hot demon in their living room." I nodded. "I guess I'll go home, but you should totally call me later." I winked and handed them a piece of paper with my number on it. "I'm not interested." I stood there for a second. Someone refused my number. "Well, instead of me looking to spend the night with you, you should call me so I can find out why. That's never happened to me before." And maybe they'll fall for me anyways, hehe. "Fine."


I was in the middle of my afternoon meal when I saw a bright white light. When the light went away, I saw a human and a baby. They both just stared at me for a second. I still had a half of a sandwich in my hand and I thought maybe they wanted it, I held it out and the baby started to cry. I felt really bad because then the human had to pick up the baby to calm him down. I finished the sandwich in one bite. I was still hungry, so I looked for any food lying around. There was some fruit in a basket and by the time the baby was asleep, the only thing left was the basket that was holding the fruit. "Who are you?" The human spoke up. "You don't know who I am?" "Well, I did ask who you were." "Oh, my name's Beelzebub, but you can call me Beel. I'm the Avatar of Gluttony." "So, you're a demon?" "Yep." I looked to see if there was any more food, but it was probably all in the kitchen, and it would be rude to eat all their food. They must have noticed me looking around, because then they asked, "Are you hungry?" I looked at them and nodded. They put the baby down and walked to the kitchen. I followed them. "Is spaghetti okay? There is a lot of leftovers." I nodded again and they made me a big bowl. While it was in the microwave, we talked a little bit. They told me their name, Y/N. And I started to talk about my brothers. I told them about what happened earlier today with Mammon and Lucifer, and about Belphie, too. I was so busy talking, the bowl of spaghetti took almost 10 minutes to eat instead of one. We kept talking until their phone went off. They told me I had to go back because the baby's parents were coming back soon. I felt sad about leaving, so I gave them my D.D.D. number. "Call me the next time you're free and maybe I can bring Belphie with me!"


I was woken up by a bright white light, and I was on the floor. I could have sworn I fell asleep on Beel's legs. I looked up to see a human and a baby. I looked at the baby and growled and the baby started crying. The human grabbed the baby and almost ran away from me. They kept their eyes on me as they tried to calm the baby down. I yawned and tried to go back to sleep. I did go to sleep despite the crying baby. I woke up later and the human was sitting on the couch staring at me. I sat up and a blanket fell off my shoulders. It must have been theirs because I didn't recognise it. "You have a lot of explaining to do." They crossed their arms. "My name is Belphegor, you can call me Belphie, Avatar of Sloth." I said very lazily. "Why did you call me?" "I... didn't. You just... appeared." I picked up the blanket to throw at them, but when I picked it up, it was really soft. "Softest blanket in the house. You should be honoured." I scoffed at their forwardness. "You know I could kill you at any second, right?" Their stance didn't change as they asked, "How did you get here?" "Well, you summoned me." "No, I didn't." "You did." "Well, I guess I did it on accident. Now are you like, a demon or something?" "Exactly. Now I'm going to go back to the Devildom so I can continue the rest of my nap." "You just woke up. It's been like, four hours." "...And?" "I guess the Sloth thing is literal." "Oh really? I never noticed." We kept up the sarcastic banter for a while before they got a call on their phone. "Oh, the baby's parents are going to be home soon. You should probably go back." Huh, this human isn't like most of them. "You're not so bad to talk to. You should call me back over at some point. Also, I'm keeping this blanket whether you like it or not."

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