Chapter 23 Some Quality Time Together

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After a quick nap during the forty-five minute trip to Tony's log home, Peter's healing factor had kicked in and he was over the worst of his little accidents. His knee had stopped throbbing and his face, while still a bit puffy, was no longer bothering him. All of those aches were subsiding and he was glad that he had decided to press on with Nat to their getaway.

Peter was nudged awake by Natasha and he noticed that Clint was making an approach to a small field that doubled as Tony's landing pad for jets or helicopters. He saw that Natasha was already up and looking through the cockpit glass at Tony's mountain retreat. She turned back towards Peter with an excited smile, and seeing him watching her, she puckered her lips and made a kissy-face towards him. Peter smiled back at her, but then almost burst into laughter at seeing Clint glancing up towards Natasha as if he couldn't believe that she actually made the kissy-face towards him.

Natasha, seeing Peter's reaction towards Clint, looked down in time to see Clint's look of amusement and disbelief before he quickly looked forward.

"What?" she said to Clint in a very demanding way.

"Nothing ... nothing at all ..." Clint replied, looking as if he was going to start laughing at any moment.

With a shake of her head in annoyance, Natasha then looked forward again, taking in the view of the area.

After touching down, Clint and Natasha carried the baggage to the house and came back to make sure Peter disembarked with no issues. Standing safely away from the quinjet, both Natasha and Peter waved bye to Clint as he took off to head towards his family's home.

After a short walk of less than a hundred feet, Natasha and Peter then arrived at Tony's log home and after exploring it, quickly settled in.

The first evening, they prepared a simple meal of omelets and waffles because ... well, just because they could!

Peter insisted on cleaning up the kitchen so Nat went to the back porch. Settling into a cushioned swing (that could also fold out into a sort of bed\hammock), she watched the sunset turn into darkness and drifted off to sleep. Sensing someone approaching, she opened her eyes to see Peter coming towards her with a couple of cushions and a comforter; she smiled and sat up to make room for him to join her.

Peter placed a cushion behind him and settled into one side of the large swing so that Natasha could use the other cushion and his body to lay with her head on his chest. With the comforter covering them both, she closed her eyes, breathed in his scent (which now included maple syrup and waffles) and listened to his heart beat. She could feel one of his arms wrapped around her and his other hand slowly and lightly stroking her hair from her temple to the back of her neck. Natasha had never known such ... bliss ... before in her life.

Natasha tuned out the noises of the creatures buzzing and chirping in the background and enjoyed the warmth embracing her that was Peter. Her mind had calmed itself so that she was finally able to enjoy this moment. And before she realized it, she had drifted off to sleep.

It seemed that only seconds had gone by when she was awakened by a kiss from Peter and she felt him easing them both up. Her sleepy face scrunched into a frown and she gave a small complaining and whiny moan (whiny!? she thought to herself ... when have I EVER done that?). She wanted to STAY right where they were!

Softly chuckling, Peter said "Nat ... it's after eleven ... we should go to bed. As nice as this is, we'll be more comfortable there ..." he began.

Perking up, Natasha instantly thought "Yes! Bed. Bed with my guy!"

As she eased herself up, Peter had already stood, but he gently pushed her back down onto the swing. "Stay put babe" he said. "We didn't get the thermostat adjusted, so let me do that so our bedroom won't be freezing..."

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