Chapter 1 - Introductions

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Peter meets the Avengers...

The Avengers, less Tony Stark, were gathered in their common area at Stark Tower. Steve Rogers was sitting in a comfortable leather chair next to a reading lamp, but he was not reading.  While he was in a position to carry on conversations with the others, he was facing towards the elevator doors.  And his eyes seldom left them while occasionally looking down at his phone.

Bruce Banner was in a similar chair on the other side of the reading lamp that was next to Steve, and he was reviewing some ongoing experiments he had on his ipad.

Across from Steve, Natasha Romanoff was relaxing on a sofa reading a novel. Even though she was engrossed in the story, she was still able to observe and listen to the conversations of the others.

Sam Wilson and James "Rhodey" Rhodes were sitting on barstools at the kitchen counter enjoying snacks at the buffet that had been prepared.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision were on a separate sofa, next to Steve's chair and making small talk about Sekovian dishes that they were planning on cooking together in the hopefully near future.

And Clint Barton was on the opposite end of the sofa that Natasha was curled up on, finally voicing what everyone had been wondering "... Hey Cap ..." he started again, finally getting Steve's attention.  "So why did you and Tony call for this little soirée this evening?"  Clint looked around and added "And where is Tony?"

All the Avengers paused and looked towards Steve as if asking "WELLLLLLL?"

Steve sat up and looked down for a second, as if making a decision, and then looked up and at all of the others in the room.  "Tony is bringing a special guest ..." he started, and then said "Actually, it's more like a new candidate for our team."

Rhodes stood up from his bar-stool and walked a few steps towards Steve and asked "Well tell us, Steve, who is it?  What's his ... " he paused "... or her name?  Do we know them?"

Sam had also stood up, the snacks forgotten, and stood alongside Rhodes and asked "So is this a done deal, or do we get to vote?"  It was a serious question, but Sam was smiling.

"Well..." Steve began, "Tony has been mentoring this person for a few months now."  Steve noticed the inquiring looks since no one had known anything about a new candidate for their team.  "I've only been aware of this for the past couple of days ... but ..." noting the raised eyebrows from everyone he continued "... and I agreed to keep quiet as the new guy just did give his consent yesterday to being brought on board."

Sam spoke for almost all of the others when he chuckled and said "HE gave HIS consent to joining?"  "What, does he think he's too cool for us or something?"  Some of the others had expressions on their faces that matched what Sam was saying.

"According to Tony, it's a little complicated with this guy."  "And..." Steve continued "...he's not going to be a full-fledged Avenger team member."  "There is going to be a probationary period to make sure he is a good fit for the team."

"Well, I'm glad that you and Tony gave this person that condition.  I mean, we don't know anything about them" Rhodes stated.

"Actually, it was the new guy's stipulation to be a probationary member" Steve said with a small smile.  "Tony was all for bringing him on board and to begin integrating him directly into missions ... " Steve paused and then added "but the new guy said he was inexperienced and would need training and time to fit in."  Steve looked at all the present members and said "If nothing else, you have to admire humility in a person."

"Okay, sure ..." Rhodes said. "That sounds like a mature soldier who is willing to join a team and pay his dues to become a member."

Sam looked at Rhodes and then Steve, nodded his head and said "I respect that."  He then looked towards the elevator door and asked "So when are they due here?" And he looked back at Steve and asked "And can you give us a hint as to who this person is?"

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