Chapter 2 - New Routines

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Chapter 2    -    Settling in...

Peter's phone started to chime at 6:00 am. Turning off the alarm on his new phone (courtesy of Tony Stark, Peter had the same type of phone as the other Avengers), Peter got up and began his day. He began the routine he had adopted as a probationary Avenger. He went to his bathroom and washed his face and then changed into work- out clothes. After straightening his bedroom, he left with his gym bag and went to the kitchen at the common area. He helped himself to a bagel and a bottle of orange juice. He then went to the balcony to enjoy some fresh air and began his daily stretching .

After getting stretched out and listening to the city wake up, he made his way to the gym where he began his tumbling exercises that Clint had taught him. Clint's mantra of "DON'T be a sitting target!" echoed in his mind while performing the routines. After a half hour of tumbling, he wrapped his hands the way Steve had taught him and began to work out punching the heavy bag under Natasha's supervision. He worked on his technique as Natasha critiqued his workout. Since this was all new to Peter, Natasha had emphasized that he had to work on technique and finesse as opposed to power. Adding power to his punches would come later.

Forty minutes later and after finishing the work-out, he carefully removed and packed his gloves and boxer-wraps into his bag. Peter then changed into his swimsuit and swam laps. Again, he was using technique and form in the work-out like Natasha had taught him. Since swimming was a total work-out on his still developing body, Natasha said no more than one hour a day. Peter then showered and changed into regular clothes. Today it was a long-sleeved white shirt, trademark SRG tie, dark slacks and stylish but comfortable shoes, his uniform as a Stark intern.

He made his way back to the kitchen in time to join Clint and Natasha for his second breakfast.

"Here you go Pete" Clint said as he served him a plate of steak and eggs and a side of grits. While never having tried grits before, Peter found that he really liked them, or rather, how Clint prepared them. Grits cooked with melted Gouda cheese and a hint of chili powder. As the team had discovered that Peter's superpowers also meant that he burned calories at a super rate, they made it their job to make sure he was eating better to keep himself fueled up for his day.

As they ate, Clint and Peter made small talk while Natasha listened. Natasha enjoyed moments like these as it felt like she was part of a real family. "My big bro ... and my new baby bro" she thought to herself with a smile. Clint noted Natasha's smile, but let it go with no comment. He knew how sensitive she was to some things, plus, as they sparred with each other, he didn't want to be on Natasha's bad side.

Peter finished his meal, rinsed off his plate and utensils and placed them in the dishwasher. He then grabbed his backpack and smiled at them as he left. "Well, Dr. Banner's waiting for me in the lab." He turned, walking backwards toward the elevator, neatly dodging Vision who was passing by and asked "So will I see you guys later?"

"Probably not" Clint replied. He looked at Natasha and said "We even don't have time to spar this morning. There's an intel meeting we have to be at, so it will probably be dinner tonight."

Disappointed, but smiling, Peter said "Okay. I'll see you guys later then." And with that, Peter made his way to the waiting elevator.

Clint nodded his head and said to Natasha "Pete seems to be doing a lot better, don't you think?"

Natasha nodded her head in agreement. "He has adapted well to our ... family here" she began "and he seems a lot happier than he was. More stable." Natasha also added "Plus he's put on about fifteen pounds ... good solid weight ... while he's been here." "How has he been sleeping" she asked Clint.

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