Chapter 20 And Love Finds A Spider

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(Still at the club...)

Stunned to hear his own voice, a very embarrassed Peter turned off the mike and handed Rick his guitar back. He then quickly rolled the stool to the back of the stage and dimmed the lights. Some people in the crowd starting yelling "Noooo ... c'mon ... more." "Play some more..."

Rick sat in his seat holding his guitar trying to figure out how to convince Peter to stay. But seeing Pete's tomato-red face and his embarrassment, he nodded to himself and passed his guitar back to the bartender. "That's enough for tonight" he thought nodding to himself. No sense in pushing this since he did want Peter to come back.

Peter was making his way to the edge of the stage to leave but found his way blocked by patrons. Some were shouting for his name, some for his phone number, some shouting for him to stay and play more.

He truly looked like a scared deer caught in bright lights.

"Hey c'mon folks" Rick called out. Let him leave ... c'mon ... let him step down ...". Rick saw that things were getting out of control quickly and looked over at Tony shrugging his shoulders and mouthing "Help?"

"Oh good grief" Pepper said and looked to Tony with a very cross expression. "Well, I hope you are satisfied Tony Stark!"

Tony's eyes widened and said back "Me? Are you kidding? I clearly did not plan for this ... or see it coming!"

"Well ... DO SOMETHING!" Pepper shouted at Tony and then looked over at the rest of the Avengers. "C'mon now" she yelled. "You are all super heroes for gosh sake ... DO SOMETHING!"

The men all stood up, looked at the crowd, looked back at Pepper and shrugged their shoulders, and a mixture of "Do what? Like what? Kick their butts? What do you want us to do?"

"No! Wait!" Tony yelled sizing up the crowd. He turned to the group and then to Thor. "What we need here now ... is a distraction so we can get Peter off that stage!" "Well Thor ... how about it?"

"I agree" Thor stated in a calm fashion. "A distraction is needed here ... and now." Thor straightened himself up in his chair and reached out to his side. Mjölnir suddenly appeared and flew into Thor's outstretched hand. "I'll provide the distraction you want Tony" he said with eyes blazing with lightning.

Thor stood up and started to make his way out when Tony quickly blocked him. "NO!  No!  No no no no no no ... not like that!" "For gods sake, not like that!" "That's not what I meant at all."

Thor looked at Tony, clearly puzzled.

Tony smiled at Thor and said "Hey big guy. I just want you to walk out there and dazzle those people ... who will recognize you at once ... and lead them away from the stage towards the bar so Peter can escape!" "Offer to buy everyone drinks ... which I will pay for of course ... and start toasting the lovely ladies, the city, whatever else you can think of. " And when Pete makes his way out, you can bid them all a good night and we can all get the hell out of here." "What do you say big guy?" Tony spread his arms and smiled.

Thor looked deep in thought and said "Very well Tony." He sent Mjölnir away and made his way out of the alcove. He looked back over his shoulder in disappointment "My way would have been more fun."

Thor stepped out of the alcove, put on his best smile and said in his princely booming voice "Ladies! What truly beautiful ladies we have here tonight! Now I know why I love coming to New York!"

The crowd turned around awestruck. "It's Thor. It's really him" women began making their way over to Thor. Thor smiled, waved (like the ultimate rock star) and made his way over towards the bar. "Please wonderful people! Let me buy you all drinks and toast your beautiful city ... and its beautiful women!" The crowd began to follow him over towards the other end of the bar.

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