Chapter 10 - Gone Clubbing

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Chapter 10          ...all the Avengers go to a night club ... what could go wrong?...

The following day after the movie night, most everyone slept in, and more or less did their own thing. Wanda and Pepper were sitting at the barstools at the kitchen island, finishing a late breakfast that Vision had prepared for them. Vision had finished cleaning up things and excused himself to tend to personal research was how he put it.

"Personal research?" Pepper inquired. "Exactly ... what does that mean?" she asked Wanda.

Wanda shrugged and said "Lately, it means he heads to the park to watch nature." Seeing Pepper's eyebrows raise, Wanda added "Really! He has taken an interest in bird watching!" "He actually finds them fascinating."

Pepper smiled at Wanda and said "And .... You don't?"

Wanda laughed and replied "Not one bit, I'm sorry to say."

"Anyway ..." Wanda continued, "... what do you think of my idea of a girl's night out?" "It's Wednesday, and there is a new club that I've really been wanting to go to." "Do you think you and Natasha could come with me?" she asked hopefully.

"Girls night out ..." Pepper pondered. She then looked at Wanda and asked "Are you sure you would want me to come along? I'm a bit older than you guys and I don't want to ... cramp your style, so to speak."

"Yes! I would love for you to come with us Pepper" "You and Natasha are my only girlfriends and I would like nothing better than to go out and have fun with you guys!" Wanda then made sure they were alone and added "Plus, when do we get to privately talk smack about the ... silly men in our lives?"

Pepper laughed and said "You are so right! I think a little bit of loud music, some drinks, and some time to vent about things is absolutely in order!"

Pepper then said "Is Natasha game to come out with us?"

Wanda got out her phone and started to text Natasha. "Let's find out" she simply said.

Wanda set her phone down and started to say "I hope she..." but got cut off as her phone buzzed.

Looking at her phone, Wanda broke out into a smile and said "She says ... hell yea!" Wanda set her phone down and said "So let's get with Natasha and make some plans!"

Later in the lab, Tony's phone buzzed. Glancing at it and seeing it was a message from Pepper, he picked up his phone, read the message, smiled and texted her back. "Well, it looks like our ladies are going for a bit of a girl's night out."

"And...?" Bruce inquired, not looking away from the flat screen he was working on.

"And I replied: have fun!" Tony stated. Tony then said "I think they probably need a break from all of us ... manly types here."

"Yeah .... Sure ..." Bruce said with a bit of sarcasm. "I know we manly men must get on their little .... womanly nerves just so" he finished with a laugh.

Tony was busy texting and said "Hey, if they can go out, so can we! I think a little night life is in order to break up the monotony here."

"Yeah, well, I like monotony ..." Bruce began. " keeps me and the big guy out of trouble."

"Oh geez Bruce ... I didn't think that through ..." Tony started to apologize.

"Don't worry about it Tony" Bruce said. "I don't mind staying in and manning the fort, so to speak." "You guys go out and have some fun, and call me if I need to come ... save the day or something."

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