Chapter 21 New Mission

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Chapter 21                    ... and the walls came tumbling down...

A few weeks later found the revitalized AVENGERS on a new mission...

The helicarrier Ares was in stealth mode while making the final leg towards its target destination. It had deployed to sea from its home base in Norfolk and had sailed down the East coast of the U.S. until passing Florida. It then set course further South and East, skirting the Bahamas and the Leeward Islands. The Ares then made as if to head further East, and once out of radar and observation of both allies and adversaries, she took to the air and initiated the reflective panels so that it could make its way in total stealth to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Their target was a newly constructed high-rise office built and owned by Schumer Research Industries, a known corporate front for Hydra.

SRI, while on the surface a successful manufacturer of medical products, was also known by SHIELD to engage in research in human mutations, biological weapons, and its ongoing development of Triple-S, aka Super Soldier Serum. After wiretaps and observations had been made, the next step was to send in a small recon team to confirm the presence of the necessary labs that would be needed for the nefarious research Hydra was known to undertake. That meant agents Hawkeye and Black Widow would make entry and physically look things over. Their body-cams would transmit both the visual and audio of their reconnaissance.

Steve and Tony were located in an office building across the street on the twenty-fifth floor. The office was listed and acted as a commercial realtor, but was also a SHIELD FOB (Forward Operations Base). While they would monitor Clint's and Natasha's progress, they were both suited up for action should the need arise.

On top of the building being utilized by SHIELD, Thor and Peter were on stand-by as support in case things went sideways and help was needed to extract Clint and Natasha. While Thor seemed very comfortable with the freezing temperatures, Peter fully appreciated the heat system Tony had built into his Mark II Spider-Suit.

At 3:15 AM, having made entry into the SRI building, Clint and Natasha were making their way through the corridors.

Having hacked into the buildings security, Tony was acting as their guide.

"Continue up the stairwell guys ... you should be arriving at the nineteenth floor ... and the stairwell-door is unlocked ... and the motion sensors are off ..." Tony stated in his matter of fact voice. "This is almost too easy ..." Tony remarked to Steve.

"Too easy ..." Steve pondered.

"Making our way down the Eastern corridor ..." Clint quietly spoke into his comset. "We are at room 1915 ..."

Clint first tried to open the door and found it locked. While Clint removed the digital keypad cover, Natasha readied their device that would open the encrypted lock. With the wires connected, Natasha was about to enter the decrypting command when the lock simply released and the door partially swung open. Both Natasha and Clint froze as they realized THAT was NOT supposed to happen. Clint and Natasha exchanged quick glances. Natasha nodded and they both proceeded to quickly secure their respective gear.

As calmly as he could, Clint simply stated "Crispy Bacon" into his comset which was their brevity code for we are compromised and we are getting the ____ out of here! and both he and Natasha began retracing their steps as quickly as they could.

Steve spoke into his comset "Everyone be on the alert ... Clint and Nat are coming out ... something's not right so be ready for anything..."

Suddenly everyone's comset began to screech and whine loudly in an excruciating manner. Everyone had to shut them off as the earpieces were no longer functional.

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