Chapter 18 Russian Revenge

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Chapter 18 Russian Revenge

(Several weeks after the AVENGERS had returned to the tower from their training deployment)

Night.  It was after 10:00 PM.  Somewhere in the lower recesses of a night club in the city...

"Victor underestimated that boy..." the Russian mobster began. "He didn't think his revenge through..." the man continued. "He rushed things ... but then that was Victor's way..." and after a moment's pause, Sergei turned back towards the two seated prisoners who were zip-tied to old, but sturdy wooden chairs. "But I take a more ... methodical approach..." the man said with a degree of smugness in his tone.

Randi and John Wick had been captured and were now sitting with their wrists zip-tied to the thick wooden arms of the chairs and with just above their ankles zip-tied to the chair legs. The chairs were old, but still very solid and heavy. They weren't going anywhere. Both were disheveled from being roughly treated, but were otherwise not injured. For the time being.

"I've chosen my ground..." the man stated with his spread arms indicating their surroundings. "And I've chosen my bait..." here he indicated both Randi and John. "The boy will come to me!" he finished with total self assuredness.

"Why?" John simply asked looking at the man. John was also testing the strength of his bonds as well as taking note of the dozen or so men in the large room they were currently located. Remembering the pulsing beat of music as he was carried through various corridors and stairways to reach what appeared to be a lower-level storage area of a night club.

The man looked at John and answered back "Why what?"

"Why ... would Peter come here?" John asked. John then looked straight at the man and added "Peter's a nice enough kid ... but we're really not anything to him..."

"Don't try ... whatever it is you're trying to do here..." the Russian mobster answered back.

"We have you..." he said indicating John. "... who the boy is obviously trying to curry favor with..." "And we have her ..." he added indicating Randi. "His woman!" He then looked over Randi, appreciating her charms, and then did add "His ... plaything ... his ... milaya ... whatever..."

Randi gave a derisive grunt that was almost a laugh.

Turning towards Randi, the mobster gave her a disapproving look and said "Don't play games with me!" "I KNOW that you pursued him like some bitch in heat ... that you spent that night with him ... and when you were threatened by Victor ... that the boy made maximum effort to rescue you!" He then looked at John and added accusingly "And no doubt with some ... trickery of some kind ... from you!" And then in a calmer voice he said back to Randi "No man takes such risks in The Continental for some new found ... acquaintance."

Shaking her head, Randi looked up to the mobster and said "I hate to break it to you pal ... but I'm not Peter's sweetheart." And then in a somewhat indignant tone "AND I'm no man's plaything!"

(Author's note: if you want a picture in your mind of my character Randi, think of the actress Alice Eve from the 2010 movie She's Out of My League...)

"Well..." the mobster replied to Randi. "You better hope he has some feelings for you..."

Randi looked back at the man with a quizzical look and simply asked "Why?"

"Because otherwise ... I have no use for you" he replied with a grim smile.

Randi simply smiled back defiantly at the man, but in her mind, she was thinking "Ohhhhh ....shit!"

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