chapter 13

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Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

The next morning, Harry woke up just as Niall flung his arm out, elbowing him in the face. He was already missing sleeping in a huge bed, but was more than grateful to Niall for letting him stay, knowing he couldn’t bring himself to go home to Anne’s, that it would make everything seem too final and over between him and Louis. He hadn’t slept well again, thoughts and memories running through his mind of all the times he’d spent with Louis, and now he was feeling much calmer, things were becoming clearer to him. He’d had a heart to heart with Niall last night, Niall desperately trying to convince him that Louis was bereft without him, that he didn’t mean a thing he said and felt so guilty for what had happened.

He stayed in bed once Niall had woken up and got himself dressed for the job he’d gotten recently, an assistant in a record store, and Harry loved how excited his friend was to get to work and discuss music with like-minded customers. Niall had recently signed up to do a Master’s, and was staying on in the dorms, and Harry was pleased that his best friend would still be close, not sure what he’d do if he ever chose to move back home to Ireland. Niall left with a wave, promising to bring them both some pizza back after his shift, and soon, Harry was alone.

He picked up his phone then, flicking through Twitter and Instagram for a while, liking the photos of a few of his friends and some celebrities he followed when he noticed his voicemail icon. He sighed, knowing it would probably be Louis, but there was a part of him that was craving to hear his voice, wanting to know what he had to say.

He hit the button to dial the voicemail on his phone, and quickly skipped a few, hearing they were his sister and his mum, promising he’d come back to them later on when he felt a bit more ready to hear their words of support and love. His tummy fluttered as he heard Louis’ voice fill his ear, and for a second, it was like the past 48 hours had never happened.

He bit his lip as he listened to Louis, and his heart broke as he heard Louis’ sobs come down the line. All he wanted to do in that moment was hug Louis, hold him tight and tell him it was all going to be okay, whether it was or not. Tears were falling down his own face as he heard Louis sobbing out the words ‘ I’d give up everything if you asked me to’, and Harry swiped the tears away with his fist, realising then what he wanted to do.

He stood up and grabbed the keys to his car, which were sat on Niall’s desk, and he quickly dressed himself, grabbing one of Niall’s clean t-shirts since his own was just beyond gross by now. He scooped his hair up in a bandana and legged it out of the room, jumping in his car and sped off home. The fact he’d immediately thought of it as returning home sent a warm shiver down his spine, and he swallowed heavily as he finally arrived outside the gates, letting them swing open before he drove down the driveway. He drove around the side of the house, parking the car out of sight and he switched the engine off, sitting back in his seat.

He felt nervous all of a sudden, hoping that Louis would give him a chance to speak, that he might take him back despite everything that they’d said to each other. He slowly got out of the car and headed for the front door, picking out his key from the bunch in his hand and he slid it into the lock, letting it swing open. He pushed the door shut behind him, and before he realised what he’d done, the door slammed, the loud bang reverberating through the house. He cringed, and his eyes caught sight of a movement at the top of the stairs. He stepped forwards, and locked eyes with Louis, both not moving but staring wide eyed at each other.

Louis descended the stairs then, and Harry just stood nervously twiddling his fingers, waiting for Louis to make the first move, unable to bring himself to do anything but breathe. Louis got closer, so close that Harry could see the red rims of his eyes where he’d been crying, much like Harry had, and all of a sudden, he felt himself be wrapped into a tight hug, Louis’ arms encircling his waist, head buried into his chest. Harry started crying tears of relief and flung his own arms around Louis’ shoulders, pulling them closer then, clinging on to the back of his t-shirt, scrunching the material with his fists. They stayed like that for a long while, just holding each other, drawing whatever they needed from the hug until eventually Louis started to squirm, pulling back slowly, gaze locked on Harry’s face.

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