chapter 9

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And I don't care it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedal's down, my eyes are closed
No control

Harry stepped out of the car and headed over to the dorms as he was meant to be meeting Niall for lunch. Louis had had some sort of meeting on Skype so Harry had made himself scarce, knowing it could go on a while and he didn’t fancy hanging around the house on his own. His tan from Thailand hadn’t started to fade yet, and even though it had been more than two weeks since they’d returned home, his heart was still full of the memories of their love declarations, words they hadn’t managed to stop saying to each other since.

Harry swiped his key card and let himself in, grabbing the post still nestled in his mailbox. He was technically still living there as he hadn’t properly moved in to Louis’ yet but he hadn’t stayed there for weeks, not that he missed the tiny single bed and paper-thin walls. He hurried up to their floor, banging on Niall’s door as he pushed the handle down and stepped through, waving at his friend who was stood at the small sink unit shaving.

Harry flopped down on the bed and flicked through his phone, replying to a few messages his mum and sister had sent him, promising them that they must come up to his new home soon. Harry had told Anne and Robin of his plans to move into Louis over Christmas. It hadn’t gone down too well initially, Anne worried that Harry was jumping in head-first and far too soon, but when she realised how set on it Harry was, she warmed up and listened for hours as Harry waxed lyrical about him, showing her hundreds of pictures, and telling her about what a wonderful person Louis was.

Niall washed his face and pulled on a plaid shirt, smiling at Harry.

“Come to slum it at the dorms have you H?” Niall teased, laughing as Harry stuck his tongue out him. He pointed at the small pile of envelopes next to Harry’s leg on the bed. “When are you gonna tell them you’ve moved out of dorms?” he asked as he pulled on his trainers, heading for the door. Harry stuck the envelopes into his jacket pocket and followed Niall down the hallway, waving at a few of his friends he hadn’t seen lately. They both climbed into Harry’s car and he drove them over to campus, pulling up outside one of the cafes where they were going to have lunch.

They sat down and Harry went to grab them some food, paying for both of them, brushing Niall away when he tried to offer to pay for his food.

“Ah, a kept man are you young Harold?” Niall said, munching on his ham and cheese baguette, emptying his bag of crisps beside it on the plate. “So how is Uni going? Managing to keep up with everything as well as jetsetting around the world and working at the bakery?”

“Yeah, it’s all good,” Harry said, spudding his salad with his fork, munching on the green leaves. Louis wasn’t very fond of salad, so it wasn’t something he ate very much these days, especially as he tended to all the cooking at home for the pair of them. “Got a few essays due in the next couple of weeks, so I’ve sorted my shifts out around that. Lou is busy with work at the mo, got an event actually next week, he’s asked me to go with him Niall.”

“Tell me it’s not the Fifa Football Awards,” Niall said with a deathly serious expression on his face, eyes wide as he stared Harry down.

“Erm, yeah I think that’s what he said,” Harry said with a shrug, picking up a bit of chicken and popping it between his lips. “He wants me to go with him, but I dunno Niall. It’s a work thing, maybe it’s not my place to be there?”

“Oh Harry, do fuck off,” Niall said suddenly, making Harry stop mid-fork and stare at his friend as he rolled his eyes. “Louis clearly thinks the sun shines of your arse and he wants you there, that’s why he asked you. I think he’d be hurt if you said no, mate.” Harry swallowed down now, realising maybe Niall was right.

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