chapter 5

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Oh, I can't keep it in
I've gotta let it out
I've got to show the world, world's got to see
See all the love, love that's in me

It had been a few weeks since Harry had found out the truth about Louis, and luckily enough, their relationship had gone from strength to strength. Since the first night they’d spent together in Louis’ house, Harry had found himself staying there more often than not. Louis continued to pick him up from lectures and the bakery as often as he could, and Harry was used to the attention he was getting from his fellow students now, often smirking at them as he climbed in the Audi, kissing Louis openly on the lips in front of everyone.

Louis loved how Harry didn’t want to hide their relationship now he was more confident with him. They often walked around the shops together late in the evening, filling the shopping trolley with junk and treats, giggling and holding hands as they did so. They went to town together, Harry letting Louis buy him the odd thing here and there but on the whole, it was like nothing had changed. And that was all Louis had ever wanted.

Harry had another term paper due soon, one which was important, and he’d spent a few late nights at Louis’ kitchen island, books and papers spread everywhere while he studied, Louis trying to catch him before he fell asleep there, not wanting him to fall off onto the hard floor. He’d persuaded Harry to bed at gone 2am that morning, and had spent an extra hour reading over his paper for him, determined that Harry would ace it, as he had everything else he had done so far. Louis woke him that morning with breakfast in bed, toast, eggs and orange juice on a tray, and Harry had devoured it eagerly.

“Mmm, Lou, this is so good, just what I need before I go and give this damn paper in.” Harry swallowed the last couple of pieces of scrambled egg on his plate, and drank the last of the orange juice, leaning over to give Louis a kiss before he hopped out of bed, pulling his clothes on. “You okay to still give me a lift to campus, love?” he asked, watching Louis in amusement as he caught him staring as he got himself dressed.

Course babe,” Louis called as Harry headed into the bathroom, trying to tame his curls but giving up and reaching for one of the scarves that had made their way over to Louis’ since he’d started staying over more often. He wandered downstairs, packing his bag with yet more books, and a freshly printed copy of the paper he’d spent days writing. He grinned as he looked down at the blue plastic folder Louis had put it in, feeling something fill his belly at the kindness of his boyfriend, and how caring and loving he continued to be towards him.

Louis later pulled up outside the campus, leaning over the centre console to kiss Harry softly before watching him climb out. He slid the window down as he watched Harry wrap the black woollen scarf Louis had got him the other day around his neck, trying to protect himself from the bitterly cold wind that had been present for the past few days. “Good luck babe, I’ll pick you  up later from the bakery, yeah?”

Harry nodded. “Thanks Lou, have a good day, see you later. I’ll text you if I have to work late or anything, if I do I’ll walk home or back to the dorm or whatever.”

“Nope,” Louis said, popping the ‘p’ of the word with a grin. “Whatever happens, just text me and I’ll be there. See ya, love,” he called as he pulled the window up and drove away, tooting the horn as Harry waved madly at the vehicle until it became just a speck in the distance.

“Haz!” Harry spun around as  he heard Niall call, jogging over to his friend and giving him a big cuddle. “You been staying at Lou’s again?” he asked, missing his best friend since he hadn’t been around the dorms for a consecutive week now. “Having fun, are we?”

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