chapter 3

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Would you be mine?
Would you be my baby tonight?
Could be kissing my fruit punch lips in the bright sunshine
'Cause I like you quite a lot, everything you got
Don't you know it's you that I adore?

Harry was rudely awoken the next week by a loud banging on his door. He groaned, rolling over to try and block out the sound by holding the pillow over his ears, but it didn’t make a difference. He cursed under his breath and tumbled out of bed, grabbing his boxers from the floor and hauled them up his thighs as he stumbled towards the door. He fiddled with the lock and finally it opened, a bright-eyed Niall on the other side, a wicked grin on his lips.

“Well, well, well, Mr. Styles,” he began as he walked in through the door, completely unphased by Harry’s near nakedness, a common sight to him now. He happily laid down on Harry’s bed, tucking himself under the covers causing Harry to roll his eyes and climb in next to him. “I found out a little something. Want to know what it is?”

Harry didn’t really want to play Niall’s games, but he was curious, he had to admit. “What is it Niall? You woke me up for this shit, really?” He turned over onto his side while Niall continued to chat away behind him, against the wall. Harry reached over, picking up his phone and smiling when he saw he already had a message from Louis, one that made him smile and seemed very much part of his morning routine since he more often than not woke up to something from his friend.

 Harry reached over, picking up his phone and smiling when he saw he already had a message from Louis, one that made him smile and seemed very much part of his morning routine since he more often than not woke up to something from his friend

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“So…. that headscarf Louis bought you? You know that cost a fucking fortune, right?” Harry scoffed as he rolled back over, throwing Niall a look.

“Oh don’t be a wanker, Niall. It was a gift, stop reading more into it than there actually is.” Niall pulled his phone out of his pocket, scrolling to find a photo and held it up for Harry to see. Harry crinkled his eyes as he looked at it, and yes, it did seem to be very similar to the one Louis had bought him. “You’ve found a picture of it. Well done, Niall, you’re so clever.”

“Ah, but Harry. That’s not all my dear. That scarf is Gucci. As in the designer Gucci? As in this Gucci scarf set Louis back like £300 at least?” He smirked as shock registered on Harry’s face as he took that in.

“What? Are you serious Niall, what the-” he snatched the phone then, looking at the website Niall had just pulled up, and it seemed his best friend was right. Shit. Louis had bought him something cost a couple of hundred quid and presented it to him like it had cost him £9.99 in Tesco. Harry was shocked as he tried to imagine why Louis had ever thought to buy Harry something so expensive, and how he could have afforded to drop that kind of money on one thing. “Shit.”

“You didn’t know, Haz?” Harry quickly shook his head as he reached for the scarf, holding it gently as he turned it over, unable to believe that he owned something that could pay his rent for a month. “Wow, you gonna ask him about it?” He felt a bit unsure now, worried that he’d upset his best friend. “I’m sorry, Haz, don’t let this affect your friendship with Louis, yeah? From what you’ve said, he seems like a great guy. Ask him about it, don’t push him away.”

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