chapter 1

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‘The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes’

“Here’s your seventy pence change, Mrs Roberts. Here, let me get that for you,” Harry said, running around the counter to help his elderly customer with her purchases. He lifted down the paper bags from the counter and put them into her shopping trolley, making sure it was fastened shut before he waved her off, holding the door open for her as she slowly walked out.

Harry hurried back, wanting to get the queue down. He knew that it was morning rush time and this meant that students and families alike headed into the small bakery at this time of day, wanting a sugary pick-me-up or a coffee to get through to lunchtime, but it had been a while since it had been this busy. The next few customers passed quickly, only wanting a few items each and Harry worked seamlessly with his colleague Corina to get everyone served as quickly as possible.

As he thought he’d finally finished and had the chance to grab a quick break himself, the bell tinkled again as the door was pushed open, this time by someone Harry had never laid eyes on before. The bakery was in a popular section of the high street, so Harry tended to know the regulars. He’d worked at The Gingerbread House for two years now and enjoyed his chats with his older ladies that came in for tea and cake, and seeing the mums with cute babies and toddlers, often wangling a cuddle for himself, always unable to resist the lure of a newborn baby. He pushed his bandana back on his forehead, trying frantically to tame his curls. He knew he needed a haircut but between his studies and his job at the bakery,  Harry barely had a moment to spare to eat, let alone for luxuries like haircuts.

“Hi, what can I get you?” he said to the admittedly rather handsome man standing in front of him. He watched as the man slipped off his sunglasses, hooking them into the front of the black t-shirt he wearing. He glanced up at the menu board, clearly making his mind up about what he wanted. Harry’s eyes flicked down, raking quickly over the man’s body, well, what he could see of it behind the counter anyway.

“I’ll have a tea please, just a splash of milk. Which cake would you recommend?” he asked, locking eyes with Harry, a small smile on his lips. Harry appreciated the stubble that was covering the man’s jaw, just enough to make him look handsome, but not so much that he looked scruffy.

“Erm, well the chocolate eclairs are quite nice. I helped make those this morning,” he called over as he made a pot of tea for the man, gathering a cup and small jug of milk and placing it on a tray. The man nodded so Harry got one, sitting it on a small white plate. “Sorry, I’ve just assumed you’re eating in, did you want it to take away?” Harry blushed then, not used to make such silly errors. The man grinned, shaking his head.

“No, eating in is fine, I’ve got a bit of time before I have to get away,” he said, handing Harry over a five pound note. “Put the change in your charity box,” he said, nudging his head in the direction of the Marie Curie collection pot. Harry smiled, posting the pound coins into the yellow plastic pot, liking the sound of the clunk the coins made hitting the others. Every time it was filled, Harry and the other workers in the bakery nominated a new charity, and one was picked at random. This time, it was Harry’s choice that was picked and it always made him warm inside when someone made a donation.

The man picked up his tray, heading over to a small table for two against the wall, sitting down and making his tea, stirring it with the small silver teaspoon Harry had put next to the cup. Harry blushed as the man looked up, catching him looking at him and quickly bustled away, grabbing a cloth and his anti-bac spray, heading off to clean up some of the used tables. He spent a while piling up used plates and cups, carrying them back to the kitchen before returning to grab some more. As he finished up and pushed a chair under one of the small wooden tables, he heard a thud on the floor and a wail filled the room.

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