chapter 2

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"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy
But here's my number, so call me maybe"

It had been two weeks since Harry had first met Louis, and he was beginning to like the expectation in his day over whether or not his new friend would pop in. Louis had been in practically every day, telling Harry that he swung by as he went either to or from work, and that it was convenient for him. Harry had slight doubts thanks to Niall’s insistent teasing, wondering if there was even the slightest possibility someone like Louis could be interested in him, before soon brushing it off again, realising that they were destined to be just friends.

Harry had only just had to throw out the beautiful peonies Louis had bought him just over a week ago and the action of putting them in the bin had made him inexplicably sad. There was something kind about Louis’ gesture, and whether or not there was anything more behind them than just being a gift between friends, it had meant the world to Harry. He wasn’t often spoiled by others, so he knew it would be something he wouldn’t forget.

Harry had swapped shifts that morning agreeing with his colleague Corina, that he’d work the late shift for her rather than the early one. Harry himself was busy, but was a bit of a sucker for people’s sob stories so had of course changed shifts without question, not realising it might mean that he would miss Louis’ daily visit. When that dawned on him, he fell into a sulk before finally pulling himself up off his bed to begin the slow trudge over to the bakery. He walked in, head hung to floor, but snapped up when he heard a familiar laugh filling the room. It was Louis, sat at his table but on the phone this time. Somehow, Louis’ eyes were drawn to Harry’s arrival and he waved Harry over, pointing to the spare seat opposite him.

Harry looked at his watch, realising he had a good ten minutes left before his shift started. He pulled off his bag and lowered himself into the seat, waiting patiently for Louis to end his call. Louis pushed his plate of cookies across the table at Harry, motioning for him to take one, and Harry did, breaking one in half before putting the other piece back onto the plate for Louis to finish.

“Yep, okay Zee, I’ll see you tonight then? Bye love,” Louis said, swiping his phone to end the call before setting it on the table. Harry caught a glimpse of a handsome man on the display before the screen went black, and his heart fell to the floor. Of course Louis had a special someone at home. Why wouldn’t he? Someone like Louis was clearly a catch. He ate the cookie quietly, waiting for Louis to initiate conversation this time.

“Hey, Harry,” he said warmly, a big smile still across his features. “Thought you weren’t working today. I had to choose my own cake, far too stressful for me to make those decisions at this time of day,” he chuckled, picking up the half of the cookie Harry had put down earlier. He frowned as he noticed Harry’s closed-off demeanour, reaching a hand across the table and laying it on Harry’s. Harry frantically tried to ignore the spark that zipped up his spine as their skin made contact for the first real time, aside from when their fingers brushed as they had exchanged money before. “Everything okay?”

Harry bit his lip and nodded, gaze back on the shiny wooden table. “Yeah, all good thanks, Louis. Just busy with Uni stuff, you know. Got a paper due on Friday that I’m already stressing about and a study meet at the library on Wednesday evening. I don’t mind them, but it’s always a long day because I have to leave work and get straight there and my bag always weighs a ton. Anyway, enough of me moaning, how has your day been?”

“Good now you’re here,” Louis said cheekily with a wink, making Harry blush. “No I mean it Haz, missed your smile behind the counter today. You’ve got a certain something about you that makes people feel warm, it’s a special thing.” Harry knew his cheeks were flaming by now, and he tried to hold back the smile threatening to cross his cheeks at Louis’ compliment. Something about the way he said it made Harry wonder if Niall could be right after all, that there was something about Harry that Louis liked as more than just friends. But then again, he’d been on the phone to his handsome boyfriend so probably not.

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