Chapter Three - Gemini

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Just one more, and it's Darryl's turn now. He takes his bayonet, places it right at the end of his crossbow rifle to try and cut through the enemy's machine body, just like last time it should work, he thinks.

The rocket launcher blocks his attack leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Suddenly, his vision lightens up just before him. It seems like the sunsets—fading into darkness again, leaving only a smoke trail behind the starry night.

"You can thank me later, Darryl," says Mayumi with a kinky note at the end.

She released a heavy beam from her sniper railgun directly aimed to defend Darryl from the attacking enemy.

Logan takes off his helmet, shakes his head, releases a heavy sigh, and turns on the communication with the H-05.

"We should go inside, Darryl. Oh, and take some weapons with you. You may never know what lies inside," Logan says as the walls begin to fade back into the black metallic and the neon color turns white again.

He jumps out of the machine while carrying a pistol in one hand. They crouch as they walk past the old, abandoned building and onto the sides. Logan waits on the right side and Darryl on the left.

Darryl shows three fingers up in the air. Logan nods understandingly slow. At the same time, they rush inside while holding up the weapons and flashlights to see what's going on.

People scream out in fear very loudly.

Darryl puts his hands up immediately. "Hey, don't worry, guys. We are here to help you. So don't panic and just follow us, okay?" he says softly.

The older woman with a small boy in her arms doesn't seem aroused. "How do we know you're not lying?"

"Because we are—"

He turns his head fast as footsteps seem to approach from behind.

"What is going on here?" the soldier shouts into the room.

Darryl takes his weapon and shots with no hesitation. Luckily, he wears his pilot suit still because this way, no bullet will go through. Logan wasn't able to do anything. He just stares at the dead bodies. He did raise his weapon, but he didn't fire.

The little boy stands up and gives a massive hug to Logan, who's lost in thoughts starring at the group with empty eyes.

"Thank you," he says with appreciation.

Logan snaps out immediately, not knowing how to cope with the gratitude. He looks away to the wall in embarrassment. His hand slowly pats him like a dog on his head.

"Yeah—well," he answers with an unpleasant voice. "You're welcome—"

Darryl laughs at him, which makes him even more uncomfortable than he already is. The little boy turns his head and wants to give a hug to Darryl as well. He gets down on his knees, taking him right into his arms.

"Don't worry, now you're safe," he says lightly.

Logan watches them.

Maybe he should have reacted the same way. But, Logan is not the kind of person who likes interactions between people. Hopefully, Darryl didn't notice that he didn't shoot; he doesn't want to discuss this problem with him, as he calls it.

Everyone stands up and follows their steps. The little boy takes over Logan's hand with a huge smile. Still uncomfortable, he takes the gesture but stares away.

"We will take you to our basis. From there, we can figure out what the next step will be," Logan reads as he climbs back into his cockpit.

Both start the engine and open their mechanical hands to take the people with them. Slowly they begin to fly across the land and above the ocean. They cannot fly fast now, as there are passengers with them. The older woman wears a long skirt and has problems controlling it with all the wind that blazes through them. She yells and puts her arms in between her legs to make sure no one sees her underwear.

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