Chapter 78

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Inhaling a deep lung filling breath, his masculine scent frenzies my senses. The rapture of last nights momentous events still reeling in my head, I nuzzle into his chest, tightening my grip on his god-given physique.

Last night was an experience of unforeseen emotions that exploded with a severe desire to liberate my true sentiments. The tenderest moment of my life. If only my trepidations wouldn't halt my actions at expressing those exact thoughts.

Withholding my emotions are no longer a viable option. This thirst ... this need ... this craving ... is to divulge every feeling felt within the depths of my soul, granting his most coveted desire.

Gifs of future engagements fill my mind with joyous occasions and rapture filled life altering escapades. A wonderous destiny never before an expectancy, but now the most feasible possibility. 

The explosive stimulation of nausea consumes my stomach. Springing off the bed, I sprint to embrace the bowl. The blustery cold traumatizing every warm and fuzzy emotion I was experiencing to flow down the drain.

Heave after heave, praying to the toilet gods, beseeching this be the final stomach somersault, expelling the contents of my stomach without a singular sound, I crave Axle remains untroubled in my moment of sickness.

Resting alongside the commode, with patience, I allow the queasiness to pass before I raise to full height, brushing my teeth. One foot in front of the other, I shuffle my way to the kitchen in desire to conjure up some tea.

Concluding breakfast in bed is the minimal action to show my appreciation for him, I commence withdrawing the ingredients. Concocting a sweet potato medley with onions, peppers and black beans, I join it with smashed avocado seasoned with bits of onion, salt and pepper accompanied by a single sunny side up egg adorned atop with a side of coffee.

Sipping the cranberry flavored tea, my stomach settles at the warm embrace of the hot liquid consuming my insides. Setting the tea atop the counter, I jolt at the touch of Axle's hand upon my shoulder. Whirling around a slight yelp releases from my throat triggering Axle's physique to repeat my action.

"Are you okay Chloe?"

Guffawing, "Yes, I'm fine. You just scared the living hell out of me," a slow extension of my lips smeared across my face. 

Axles eyes peer to the culinary art cooking on the stove, eyebrows heighten, "Breakfast?"

"Yes ... for you. My intention was to service you in bed."

"You can service me anywhere," slithering around my waist, his supple lips ignite the flame within me as he caresses the vast of my neck.

His salacious remark elicits a miniscule giggle, "Well, since you devastated my vision, perch in the seat and I'll deliver breakfast once it's complete."

Flashing his pearly white, "Yes ma'am," I assist his hands to release my waist, flopping in his seat as I finalize his morning meal.

"I could get used to this."

"To what?"

"You ... in my kitchen."

"Is that your sordid way of saying a woman belongs in the kitchen?" Eye manes elevate accompanied by sliced dubious eyes with a smirk. "Not at all. I'd just love to see you here ... on a more consistent basis."

My face flushes with heat, red consuming my cheeks, "I'd enjoy that as well." A spark flashes in his eyes as I finalize the finishing touches. Placing his food on the table before him, I plant myself across from him.

"You're not eating?"

As might be expected, he detected my unwillingness to enjoy any nourishment, "Tea will suffice this morning."

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