Chapter 64

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As the party came to a close, Axle expressed his gratitude and bid them ado. We can now  embark on OUR own festivities. Leo assists us, lining the trunk with presents, cards, and uneaten cake, slipping into the back seat and commence our journey home. 

Showering him with unbridled affection in the back seat, attempting not to assault him, striving to quell my ignited nerves, awaiting the grand finale I've envisioned to culminate his celebration, I inhale his enticing cologne, activate my inner good girl and remain somewhat marginally pacified until we arrive.

Butterflies in my stomach flutter to life, heart pounds against my rib cage and a childish smile drapes across my face when his home comes into view. The excitement and nerves about the remainder of tonight flood my veins triggering my legs to jitter. My one true desire for tonight is he unquestionably adores his remaining gifts. 

As we approach the door, "Now you need to wear this," I pull out a simple black and red blindfold from my purse to sustain the surprise.

As we approach the door, "Now you need to wear this," I pull out a simple black and red blindfold from my purse to sustain the surprise

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"What for?"

"Because your gift is in there and I want you to be surprised. No more lip, put it on."

A smile materializes on his face, as he coats his eyes with the silky material. Walking through the entrance, I loop my arm through his, guiding him to his office, planting him in front of his desk. Suddenly, I hear pounding in my ears.

What if this was a mistake? What if he doesn't like it? What if he gets mad at Leo for being involved? What if he gets mad at me for involving Leo? Crap! Why didn't I think about this before?

Inhaling a lung filling breath, I exhale all my worries away in an instant. "Are you ready?"


Strolling behind him, "Close your eyes," plucking one piece of material at a time, blindfold cascading to the floor, stepping around to watch his face, "Okay, open them."

Axles eye lids peel apart, taking in the gift before him, face stoic as ever. 

"How did you get this?" The monotonous tone of his voice sends ice to still my blood. 

He loathes the gift, this was a huge misjudgment on my part. "I'm sorry Axle, I didn't mean to overstep. We can remove it." Attempting to reverse my blunder, my feet scamper around the desk, raising my arms to dismantle my delusion. He grasps my wrist, tugging me towards him before I'm able to rectify my error.

"Chloe, no. That's not why I'm asking. I'm just in awe, you got a hold of my drawing. How did you do it?"

Heat rising from my chest, hues of pink coat my cheeks, eyes cast towards the now framed drawing, "I enlisted Leo's help, please don't be mad at him. We both thought it would be a great gift."

"It is Chloe. I just never thought of displaying my work in my house. I love it Chloe." 

We gawk at his staggering mastery of magnificent amalgamated colors. Quite frankly, I was stupefied when I unearthed his work, truly astonished at how genuinely gifted he truly is and ultimately saddened he no longer pursued his passion. Of all the drawings I encountered, this one resonated with me, the exquisite hues adeptly placed captured my eye and a bit of my soul.

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