Chapter 29

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I listen to voicemail after heartbreaking voicemail.


Chloe ... I'm at my office still. I don't know what happened. How did it get so damn late? I feel ... weird... not myself. Did we meet today? Call me when you get the chance.

Chloe are you okay? Why aren't you answering your phone? Call me.

Chloe I'm getting worried, you're not answering my calls or my text messages. I need you to call me, now.

I'm fucking going crazy Chloe, please call me. Call me or I'm coming over.

Where the fuck are you Chloe? Why can't you answer your phone? Call me back!

Chloe, what happened? Where are you? Jade said she hasn't seen you today. Are you okay? Please, please call me back.

Chloe I'm still at your apartment, where the fuck are you? I'm going fucking crazy not being able to reach you.

My arm descends, I stopped listening, I could hear the distress in his voice, my heart cracked with each concerned utterance he left. I should've at least listened to his voicemails. I shake my head at my immature handling of the situation. I really need to grow the fuck up.

Axle's voices roars in the air distracting me from my thoughts, my eyes focused on his rigid physique. 

Phone call:

Axle: What? 

His nostrils are flaring, eyes shut tight, his white knuckled hand gripping the phone attempting to control his anger as he listens to the person on the other end.

Victoria: Axle ... I was poisoned.

Axle: Come again?

His eyebrows raise, springing from his seat, pacing back and forth. Each thud echoes in the vast restaurant.

My heart ramming against my rib cage about to explode not knowing what the hell is going on.

Victoria: The doctor called me, he told me I was poisoned. There was something in my tea. That bitch gave me Organophosphate pesticides. Pesticides Axle! Fucking Pesticides! She could have killed me!!! I kept drinking that shit! I kept throwing up, it's was all her fault! When I see  that walking disease, I'm going to choke that bitch out and break every bone in that used up, whore body of hers!

Axle: You can't! If you do that, she can sue you causing you to lose your job. 

Axle face twists, his lips scrunch up, eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed but I can't tell if it's in anger or anguish, maybe both. Not hearing the other end of the call is causing my nerves to be on edge.

Axle: I think she gave me something too.

What! My head snaps in his direction, what does he mean gave him something? What the hell is going on? Who?

Victoria inhales a sudden sharp breath.

Victoria:  That fucking bitch! And you're telling me not to touch her?

Axle: Please don't. Chloe just told me something that I have absolutely no recollection of. 

His dark silvery orbs meet mine, a decision has been made from the expression on his face before he liberates the breath he was holding captive. 

Axle: I have something to tell you Victoria. I'm going to be honest and just come right out and tell you. Chloe and I...

Victoria: I already know.

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