Chapter 19

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I awaken feeling exceptional, no evidence of being plastered yesterday, I'm thankful for that since it's the beginning of the week. 

I recollect all of the events of this weekend. From his expression when he first laid eyes on me, to our flirtatious banter in the elevator, to that absurdly scrumptious dinner, our intense, erotically sensual trip to the Catacombs, our deafening cab ride, my distressing shower, his sheltering arms, his impeccable brawniness as he relocated me to the bedroom, the undeniable protection I felt as I slept in his arms, to an eye orgasmic breakfast, working in unison, in close proximity causing my body to become unhinged again, his execution of our savory, awe-inspired lunch, to his tantalizing, amorous kiss and placement of my hand, to his fuel injected words of hunger, to finally, to our girls night, with overwhelming, shocking information. It's been a tumultuous  weekend. 

So much has occurred, moments I can't repossess. It's all devastatingly maniacal but I'm fortunate it's over. Nothing left but to advance from here.

Now to prime myself for work. I rummage through my closet and find an alluring green dress, it comes just below the knee, has a deep v cut in the neckline, it's tapered at the waist and I pare it with my black and gold strap heels.

 I rummage through my closet and find an alluring green dress, it comes just below the knee, has a deep v cut in the neckline, it's tapered at the waist and I pare it with my black and gold strap heels

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I grab my monstrous purse with laptop and vacate my apartment as I glace at the time, I'm alarmed to discern, I've permitted time to travel by me today. Damn it!

I enter my car in haste, I drive with a heavy foot as carefully as I can manage to work. When I arrive in the parking garage, I bolt to the elevator rather than obtaining my morning tea. I was eager to visit Amanda, curious if she was fortuitous as I and unscathed by last's night shenanigans, I have no alternative but to annoy her later. LOL

Waiting for the elevator feels like perpetuity. I've aged a whole year anticipating the arrival of this damn elevator. Why is it when you are behind schedule, everything appears like it takes ten times as long? Finally it arrives, I press my floor with a rapid fury as if it will my relieve my anxiousness of being tardy to work.

I step out of the elevator, zooming past Sharon, her eyes burning my skin as I sail by. I just half grin and scamper along, I can be a convincing professional. 

I acclimate myself in my office, just as I power on my computer, the magnetism sends an irresistible pull in my core. I close my eyes, fully conscious what I will gaze upon once I open them. 

"I thought you'd like some tea." I absorb the strength of his seductive voice that causes every cell in my body sing with ecstasy. I savor the stimulation his vocals produces from my body for a few more fluttering heartbeats before my eyes rest on the sumptuous Adonis before me. 

My eyelids separate, my breath hitches in my throat, this man is breath-taking ... literally. Even in the most ordinary clothing, he can make me saturated. His attire consists of a plain white shirt with a black suit, nothing more, nothing extravagant but scrumptiously  form fitting and drool worthy.

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