Chapter 7

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"Thank you so much Mr., I mean Axle, but I can wait for the cab." My lips curve up shyly and I nod my head. I'm usually more confident. How does he do this to me? "It will be my pleasure," he states with a cool undertone.

I shake my head in resistance, "No, it's okay. I can wait. It's only 15 more minutes. It's not that long." I try to get him to let me be, without being a complete bitch about it. 

I just don't trust myself in close quarters with him. I think he's flirting with me, but I don't know. As horny as I am, I'm afraid I might make a jump him like a dog in heat and lose my job which I really need. I have to keep my distance.

He looks like he is getting impatient with me. His hands look like they are having tiny spasms but it doesn't match his face. He speaks, "You don't have to be so coy with me. We will be working together ... a lot, in and out of the office. We might as well get used to it. Now come, before my car leaves." He demands. 

What??? Did he just command me like a dog? I'm not just some puppy who follows orders and waits for her master to tell her to come! What is it with this guy and his demands? He starts to walk towards the door, and I weigh my options. Stay here another 15 minutes and wait for the Uber? Or do I go with the seductive, tempting man that is my boss, possible assault him like the horny toad I am in his car and lose my job? My inner vixen takes over  and shoves my rational out the window with a brick, be damned the consequences. She throws up her hands in victory! My legs stroll to the door like the lost puppy I thought I wasn't, trying to find its way home. 

When I meet him at the door he says, "Wait here, I'll open the door for you to run in. Here, let me take the laptop under my jacket so it doesn't get wet. What's your address?" I give him my address, "Be careful, someone might think you're a gentleman," I sass him with a wicked smile trying to flirt with him. "I never claimed to be one!" He says with flaming eyes. My cheeks blaze in awe.

His hand extends to take the laptop into his jacket. When I hand it to him, our fingers lightly graze each other and I can feel the electricity flow through my body. I feel the prickles everywhere. His head shoots up in shock and his ice grey eyes stare into my lustful orbs. Did he feel it too? 

I stare at him for too long feeling his eyes bore into my soul. I can't look away. His stormy eyes flame with desire and take me to a place of mystery and excitement. He brings his mouth dangerously close to my ear. His lips brush against my skin and instantly, chills run through my entire body. When he speaks I can feel his hot breath. I close my eyes with visions of the sweet caress of his lips on my blazing skin as he says in a low, husky voice, "We better get going ... before we get WET." His last word stimulating my pussy, leaving nothing but moistness behind.  

He runs towards the car, leaving me there breathless, longing for more. He opens the door for me and gestures for me to hurry to the car. I have to mentally scream at myself to move. I run into the car locking eyes with him, telling him I crave his touch like a moth to a flame.

I slide into an all-black SUV with all black leather interior. I move over to give him room. He playfully says, "See, mostly not wet." He places the laptop down in front of me.

" He places the laptop down in front of me

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