Chapter 2

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Strolling to the front desk in haste, I notice the receptionist is well dressed, impeccably groomed without a hair out of place. 

Peering at me as I arrive, an introduction is in order, "Hello, I'm Chloe Knox. I'm here for my 9:15 interview with Jordan King." 

Gawking at me, eyes trailing over me from top to bottom, an uneasy feeling rolling in my veins, compelling me to feel self-conscience at my appearance. Are the coffee stains evident? Oh god, even worse, is the aroma of coffee emanating off of me? My inclination is to crawl into a hole and vanish.  

Picking up the phone, she speaks in a hushed tone to someone on the other end of the line. "Please have a seat, Ms. King will be a few minutes. She had a last minute meeting with the Mr. Cross," crinkling her nose as she spews the information.  

Perching in the seat, I exhale the breath that was caught in my throat, thanking my lucky stars I was granted leniency. The boss determined Ms. King was required at this very moment, buying me a moment to gather my thoughts, composing myself for this opportunity. The past ten minutes have been filled with distress, fury and intense anxiety, a moment to myself is warranted.  

Ten minutes later, I'm jolted back to the real world, when her voice slices through the silence, "The interview has been moved upstairs on the 20th floor. Take the elevator up, once you get off let the receptionist know you are there for the financial adviser interview," she expresses without as much as a smile or a good luck, returning her gaze to her desk. Well, she's just a delight isn't she?

Rising to my feet, fleeting to the elevator, I press the button, biting my lower lip, anxious for this meeting to go in my favor. Doors sliding apart, I gingerly step inside, exhale a long, slow breath, relieved that I'm by myself to perform a quick mirror check. 

Taking out my mirror to examine myself,  my hair is a little messy, I attempt to fix it as best I can. I look decent, putting my mirror away as the bell rings, door sliding apart. 

My eyes widen, mouth slightly agape, as I drink in the beautiful white and black receptionist desk, marble I think. Perched behind the desk is an equally beautiful woman, who just like the unkind one downstairs, is perfectly groomed and well dressed. Her clothes look like they cost more than my car. 

I square my shoulders, steel my nerves, head held high, walk up to her, in my best confident voice, I introduce the new Financial Advisor, "Hello, my name is Chloe Knox. I'm here for an interview with Jordan King!" 

Her kind eyes meet mine, an inviting smile spreads across her face, "Jordan King has left for a meeting. You'll be interviewing with Axle Cross," with a matter-of-fact nod she waves me to the waiting area in front of her desk.

My eyes pop open, heart skips a beat, eyebrows converge, lips form a straight line, I know Axle Cross is the owner of the company. I feel my cheeks flush a rosy pink from heat commandeering my face, if i imagined being nervous before, my nerves just shot off the richter scale.

I implore, "This must be a mistake. I'm interviewing for the financial adviser position; why would I interview with the owner of the company?" Could this day get any worse?

She smiles at me, "Honey, I don't know. I just do what I'm told. Don't be so nervous, he's easy on the eyes." Winking at me, clearly telling me how hot she thinks her boss is. She continues, "Besides, Mr. Cross WANTED to interview you. He had Ms. King take his place at his meeting just to interview you; you may already have the job." She winks again busing herself with work.

I'm confused, my face contorts as different justifications ripple through my mind, unsure how to perceive this turn of events. Questions float briskly in my mind, mainly, Why would HE WANT to interview me? 

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