Chapter 52

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My eyes steadily peel apart at the sudden urge to relieve myself. Axles god given body framing mine with his embellished, powerful arm draped around my slender waist. I can feel his muffled breaths fanning over my neck sending the most delightful goosebumps to cloak my body.

With masterful skill, I raise his arm from my hip, delicately placing it on the bed as I slithered out from under him. I hear a slight moan pass his lips as I creep away, my body ceases, I whip my neck to peer over my shoulder, gawking at the lines and curves of his physic shadowed by the moonlight peeking in from the window.

My body turns to study every angle, ... every dip, valley and hill his body possesses, emblazoning it in my mind. I take a deep inhale satisfied with my view, feeling the weight of astonishment at how fortunate I am to have him in my life.

I turn on the balls of my feet, heading down the hall to the bathroom to relieve myself. Upon exiting the restroom the flash on my phone urges me to check on it.

I grab the phone from the counter, turning on the screen to see it's a text message from Amanda.

Amanda: Hey Chloe, I got some information on the whereabouts of the nurse who took care of my mother when she had me. If it's not too much to ask, could you come with me to talk to her? Please.

My heart lurched out of my chest, this poor girl. I know she didn't say much about her past but what she did mention pulled at my heart strings.

Chloe: Of course I'll go with you. Anything for my birthday buddy. 😉🥰

I typed the last part hoping us having the same birthday will help her feel some sort bond between us. Even if it is only the day.

I peer at the time and see its 1 am, damn it's late, I hope I didn't disturb her. Since I don't get a reply I assume she slept through my response.

I strut back towards the bedroom, leaning against the frame, admiring the Adonis in my bed. Smiling to myself, Natalia winks exclaiming, "I could get used to this."

I giggle inwardly, moving my head back and forth, pushing myself off the frame heading back towards the kitchen, removing the laptop from my purse and perch myself at the dinning room table waiting for the screen to come to life.

As soon as the software loads, I continue my investigation, diving and digging into records attempting to discover who the hell is laundering money from Axle.

Page after page of transactions over seas and they haven't slipped up yet. I inwardly narrow my eyes, "I'll find you and expose you for the rat you are."

Typing away, taking notes, my peripheral catches movement. Axle suddenly materializes in the hallway causing me to gasp, raising my hand to my heart, eyes widen to the size of saucers, "You scared me!" I smile as i gather my composure.

Arms crossed over his bulging chest, the edges of his lips curl, eyes on the laptop, head twisting to the side, eyes slightly slicing, "You working?" He asked in a whispered curious tone.

"Yes, I couldn't sleep."

"Well then I guess I'll just have to fix that," he saunters over to the table. My heart beating 100 miles an hour in delicious anticipation of what he'll do to me.

He reaches the table lays a hand gently on the laptop, shutting it, lowering his head to my ear, his breath ghosting over my burning flesh, "Light out Kitten."

He grabs by waist, hoisting me over his shoulder, slapping my ass. I squeal out in delectable pleasure as we vanish into the bedroom. 


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