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4 months later

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4 months later.

The bell rang signalling that lunch had started. Students filled the hallways, quickly rushing to the cafeteria.

Yeona walked through the cafeteria doors, a smile flashed on her face as she waved at her friends.

"Yo, Yeona! What's good?"

"Hey Mark," she replied, sitting down. "Nothing much. Just trying to get things finished up before our big day, you know?"

"You mean graduation?"

"Jeno! You know Jisung gets upset whenever we bring that up!" Jaemin scolded.


Jisung had a sad look on his face. "I'm going to miss you guys."
Everyone else slowly nodded, sorrowful looks on their faces.

"Speaking of missing people..." Jeno spoke up. "I miss Donghyuck."
The whole group nodded once again in agreement.

Renjun turned to Yeona. "Have you heard anything from him?"

She shook her head.

"How long has it been? Since he hasn't been at school."

"Four months now."

"Do you think he's going to be at graduation?" Chenle asked.

"Who knows. For all we know, his father could have him locked up." Jeno said

Jaemin shot him another look and then quickly looked over at Yeona, a face of worry towards the girl.

"It's okay, Jaemin. He's not wrong," she sighed.

For the rest of lunch the group of friends sat in silence with an occasional laugh here and there. No one had heard about Donghyuck ever since he stopped going to school, despite him still being enrolled.

Yeona hasn't see him since the night they made another promise, sealing whatever the future held for them.


2 weeks later.

"I hope you're happy."

Yeona shut her locker. "Excuse me?"

Minhee scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You know exactly what I mean."

"I'm sorry, but I don't," she said, furrowing her brows.

"You! It's all your fault!" Minhee bursted out. Yeona flinched back slightly in surprise, looking at the girl with her brows raised. Minhee's eyes began to water and her lips wavered. "It's your fault that- that Donghyuck..."

Yeona's breath hitched at the mention of her lover's name, taking a step closer to Minhee. "Donghyuck? What about him? Where is he, how is he?"

Minhee shook her head, tears in her eyes as she ran away, leaving the other girl standing alone in the hallway.

Yeona was frozen in her spot, watching Minhee leave as Donghyuck's name kept replaying in her head; anxious to see and hear from him again.


1 month later.

"I can't believe we did it."

"Oh shut up Mark, you make it sound like we're never going to see each other again," Renjun said, making Yeona giggle.

"But we're graduating!!"

The five of them sat collectively together in the same row, watching as their peers walked up onto the stage to obtain their diploma.

Their eyes were trained on the next person walking onto the stage, confusion written all over as they looked closer at the student.

Jaemin furrowed his brows. "Isn't that..."

Yeona lightly gasped, eyes widening as she watched the boy make his way across the stage.

"Lee Donghyuck."

The stadium clapped at the mention of his name, congratulating him being one amongst many to graduate.

Minutes passed, as it took a long time to get through their graduating class. The five friends stood together in a group, smiling for the cameras as each of their families took photos. Chenle laughed at Jisung as the poor boy tried holding back his tears.

"Wow, you guys look great."

They all turned their heads to look at the owner of the voice, smiles instantly spreading across their faces.

Yeona's heart dropped, immediately breaking free from her friends' arms and running towards him. "Donghyuck!"

He engulfed her into a tight hug, rubbing her back comfortingly and chuckled. "Did you miss me?"

"You know I did."


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