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Two more days until the wedding

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Two more days until the wedding. Although Haechan had told the princess not to worry- she was indeed, worrying.
What if things went wrong? How would her parents react? Would they have to stay in hiding forever?
These questions ran through her mind as she prepared herself for the day.

Midway down the stairs to breakfast Minhyung caught up to Yeona, showing a letter in his hands. "For you, Princess. Your lover sure is relentless."
She smiled, "he sure is."
As the two made their way to the dining table, she opened the letter.

My Dear Yeona,

     Prepare to leave in the early morning on the wedding day. You do not have to worry about packing anything, I've prepared all of that already. I can't wait for the future with you, my love.


"Who is that from?"

Yeona widened her eyes, quickly hiding the letter behind her back. "Mother! Oh, um-" She glanced at Minhyung with careful eyes. "It's from Prince Yuta. You know how he is," she nervously chuckled.
"I see," her mother said, taking a seat at the dining table. "You can marry him if you wish to do so."


The elderly woman laughed. "Oh I'm just teasing honey." The queen took a bite of her food as Yeona sat down in her seat. "I'd let you marry anyone you wish to, you know that, right? As long as you truly love them, then your father and I will support you."

The princess gratefully smiled at her mother. "Yes, I know. And I'm very thankful for it."

After breakfast was another long day of princess duties. Yeona would have assumed she'd get at least one day of rest since the past days have been so busy but nope- new things just kept getting assigned to her.

Yeona walked up the stairs, dragging her feet to her bedroom. Minhyung bid a goodnight to her as she plopped on her bed from exhaustion. After laying there for a few minutes, she stood up and quickly got ready for bed so she could sleep right away.

When she was finished she walked out of the bathroom and towards her bed- but a noise made her stop in her tracks.


Yeona looked out the balcony windows and furrowed her eyebrows. She slowly made her way to the doors and opened it, the cool night air hitting her face. Seeing that no one was there, she shrugged and turned around to head to bed.

All of a sudden, a dark figure jumped  down onto the balcony in front of her. She let out a scream but the person immediately turned her around and covered her mouth to prevent her from doing so.

"Yeona, Yeona! Stop screaming! It's me, Donghyuck!"

Yeona immediately stopped struggling and she turned around to face him. "Donghyuck? What the hell are you doing here?!" She whispered shouted. "Let alone late at night like some assassin!"

He opened his mouth to explain but then sharply turned around, hearing the sounds of galloping horse steps in the distance. He looked at Yeona, his face painted with worry. "Yeona, we need to leave. Now."

Donghyuck grabbed her wrist, leading her out the doorway but she yanked her wrist away. "You need to explain first!"

He roughly sighed and grabbed her wrist again, this time pulling her close enough so that their faces were nearly touching. "Someone found out about our plans and they told my parents. They threatened to lock me up until the wedding ceremony but I managed to escape and so we need to leave now or else they'll take me away for good."

Yeona gulped and nodded. Seeing this, Donghyuck led her out of the bedroom and through the silent, empty castle halls. They carefully spedwalked, making sure that nobody saw them escaping.

Turning around a corner, the two were almost out onto the palace fields until-


Yeona and Donghyuck turned around, their stomachs dropping as they realized that they've been caught.

The person walked towards them and chuckled. "I was wondering why Ophoris's knights were here."
Yeona looked at him, "Minhyung..."
"Don't try to stop us, we're leaving and that's final," Donghyuck growled.

"By all means, please do."

Donghyuck looked at him in surprise, and Yeona turned to him. "He knows. He's okay with the plan and us together."

Minhyung pouted. "And you were about to leave without saying goodbye! I've been by your side for ten years and this is how you repay me? I'm hurt."

Yeona laughed and ran to Minhyung, giving him a hug. "You're such a big baby."

"I know." He said, burrowing his face into the crook of her neck. Minhyung's arms around Yeona got tighter. "I'll miss you," he whispered.
Yeona's eyes started to water and she bit back her tears. "I'll miss you too. Thank you... for everything."

The two broke the hug and Minhyung looked directly at the prince, giving him a hard stare. "I'll hold them back as best as I can. In the meantime," he softly smiled. "Take care of her for me."

Donghyuck nodded, grabbing a hold of Yeona again as the two rushed towards the palace gates. Minhyung watched them go and wiped away an unexpected tear. He turned around as the voices of the other knights began to get louder, preparing himself to hold them off the best he could.

Yeona and Donghyuck reached the gates where a white horse stood waiting for them. Donghyuck helped Yeona up onto the horse first before getting on himself. Once they were situated, he pulled the reigns, making the horse gallop off of the stone streets and into the dark forest.

 Once they were situated, he pulled the reigns, making the horse gallop off of the stone streets and into the dark forest

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