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March 25, 1940

After all the preparations were over, it was time for Tsubasa to leave. Yurari tried to see him off with a smile, even though she knew she failed. Tsubasa tried to reassure her but even he couldn't get rid of that feeling of coming despair.
'I'll be fine... I promise, I'll come back.' he said just as the officials beckoned to him to start the journey. The beginning of spring, as the cherry blossoms fell to the ground, their hands clasped together.
Tsubasa leaned forward and lightly kissed Yurari. 'Ittekimasu'

'Itterashai...' Yurari failed to keep her voice from cracking. Their hands slowly fell apart as Tsubasa started to move away. The children, who didn't understand anything happily said bye to him.

Yurari fell to her knees as Tsubasa's back grew smaller and smaller, fading into the distance.


I know I know very short >~<

The amount of research I did for this my gods..

Byeeee my prisms!

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