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When we got to the bar I compelled one of the waiters to give us the heaviest things there.

Kai and I mainly sat there in silence for the past hour or two, not caring if things were to be said, until now.

"That was quite a show you put on earlier." He commented softly.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I slammed a shot down my throat.

"With Benny."

"Well he should eat his carrots, Malachai. They will help him, I dont want him to have glasses but the time hes 10."

"Well that's not entirely what I meant." He better not be talking about what I think he was.

"I'm gonna need more detail than that sweetie." I said as I sipped the margarita in front of me.

"Dont you think you were being... I dont know, a little harsh?"

Oh my god he totally was talking about what I thought he was.

I faced him fully now and glares at him. I didnt think he'd actually ask me if I was parenting him too mean.

"You try raising a child that doesnt want to do something. You try cleaning up messing or in the case we just had- stopping then before they happen. Kai kids are exhausting, they are needy and whiny and if it weren't for this bond he wouldnt be here with me now."

"But you still dont think you were yelling at him too much?" I set the glass I had in my hand down roughly.

"I yelled at him, like, once. So no, I ain't think I was to harsh. But since you have such a problem with how I parent him, you can look after him for a week." His eyes got wide.

"Rae, I was only asking."

"And your question made me mad. So now you can take care of him for a week, see how it feels." I said standing up, I leaned down and kissed him meaningfully then started walking toward the door.

He followed me into the car and started to drive us home, sulking the whole way. As we pulled onto the road of the Salvatores I sighed.

"Fine. You dont have to watch him, you can be done throwing your fit now." I grumbled as we pulled into the drive.

"I'm not throwing a fit!" He accused.

"Well this attitude you have- I dont like it. I don't like watching you upset, whether it's for a punishment like saying I'm a bad parent or because your hurt." I said loudly, I looked out the window.

I remembered 21 years ago, I can't believe it's been 21 years now. I remember our families not saying a word at first as I stood behind Kai as he took Jo's hands.

She had gotten rid of her magic so they couldn't merge. I remember him falling to his knees in pain as he grabbed his head. Him falling to his side because of the spell, I remembered the way his sad eyes looked up at me as I screamed in pain too.

I didnt like him being in pain.

His pain was my pain.

I snapped back into reality from my memory as he placed his hand on my thigh. My eyesight was blurred and a tear fell from my eye, I quickly wiped it away.

"Raya... I'm sorry for what I said." He apologized softly, I turned my head towards him and he placed his hand on my cheek. "There is no explanation or excuse for it, I was being a dick. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry for making you upset and for crying-"

"I'm not crying because of what you said, Malachai. I'm barely even crying, it's just a few tears."

"Can I ask why?"

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