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The fire surrounded my body. I was losing. I could feel Ryan slipping into reality as I didnt have enough to win. He was half here, half there. There was nothing I could do about it.

As I felt him win, I had the urge to not give up. I didnt want to die. I couldn't die.

I needed to be back in Mystic Falls with Damon, trying to build a relationship with Caroline and Stefan, trying to not have Elena and Bonnie hate me from the inside and out. But I also needed to be here for Ben.

It's amazing how a bond can effect both of you tremendously. He consumes me in a way like hes my child, like he was supposed to be mine.

So I didnt give up.

I didn't allow myself to give up.


I woke up gasping for air and wrapping my arms around me. I was in someone's arms walking through a crowd of my family. I looked up to see I was in Kais arms, for a split second he looked tired and full of regret, disappointment. But then he looked down at me in amazement as he felt my beating heart and my struggle for air.

I heard Ben crying, I looked around frantically to see what was going on, Kai set me down.

Ryan had just collapsed onto the hard ground in this wet and warm weather. Everyone was around him, gasping, sobbing, cursing. My brother was dead.

But I was alive.

And I felt amazing.

I looked for the crying baby the second I was done celebrating in my head. Of course he was in Jessica's arms. I walked over to them with Kai not too far behind me.

"You killed him!" She sobbed. I so badly wanted her to go with, but that was wrong and irresponsible. Right now it was time for me to calm everyone down and get them into our house.

"Everyone please move across the street! We are no longer wanted on this land." I yelled out. Jessica held crying Ben close to her body to calm him, and I was jealous. Everyone started to move and I dragged Ryan's body with my magic.

He looked like he was asleep, he looked to he at peace. He didnt seem to be in pain, and that was good.

When we got across the street I wrapped Ryan in a sheet and laid him on the couch. Everyone gathered around him, still grieving. All they did was mourn him. There was nothing they could do so the should just stop trying.

Jessica for once handed me Ben, he calmed down immediately once he was in my arms. I wiped his damp cheeks with my thumb as his bottom lip slightly curled.

I hushed him softly and rocked him up and down in the livingroom as everyone was huddled over the couch. Kai was behind me, he made his way towards the front door.

"Where are you going?" I whispered to him urgently.

"Back to Mystic Falls."

"Just... wait a moment." I sighed then looked back at Benny. "You behave, young man. I will be back to visit and to check up on you. I'm always here for you Benny. Be good for me." I whispered to him then kissed his soft forehead. I placed him on my hip and held him with one arm as the other made the rule book appear.

"I will govern us until I decide to resign my post." I spoke aloud while writing. "Each leader will be able to lead us until they reach the age of 40. If that current leader is blessed by immortality then they will pick whomever the choose after the first 100 years of their service, they will pick someone of age of 23. If am immortal leader dies unexpectedly, the coven must vote to be elected for the first 7 years before the called leader is aloud to leave. The rule of children being born every 20 years is no longer a following statement for us to follow." I yelled for everyone to hear, it was all being written down in the book.

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