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Kai woke up a few miles down the road from our houses.

"Look who's finally up!" I yelled happily. "This is the only time I actually want you to talk, so... start yapping."

"Ben starting to annoy you?"

"More than you can imagine. Hes shut up a few times, only for 20-30 minutes." I said excited.

"You seem happy."

"That's because I am! I have someone to talk to, I'm almost home, and I can hold that baby and have him shut up. I'm going to merge-"

"Who says your going to merge?"

"Umm... why? That's the whole reason your here."

"Oh no sweetie, this was just a road trip. I'm not allowing you to merge."

"Malachai Parker! What do you mean your not letting me merge?! Your not telling me I wasted two days of my life just to get your ass up here so I can be the leader of my coven!"

"Actually... that's exactly what in telling you." I could yell.

"No. I dont care! Your letting me merge, even if I have to threaten you!"

"Funny. What are you going to do? Put spells on me?"

"No. I'll hurt Bonnie." He looked at me sternly, all the jokes and the brightness he had quickly slipped away.

"No you wont, Damon would never forgive you."

"And as devastated I would be if that were to happen, I can live without him if I needed to. But my coven, not being able to guide them, I cant do that. This is what I want to do, it's what I was born to do."

He sighed. "No. You just want to beat my ass and not get in trouble." He hysterically said, I couldn't help but smile.

"Well that's definitely a plus." I giggled. He sighed and rubbed his forehead like every guy in the world when they are making a 'tough decision.'


"Yes! Thank you so much!" I said as I pulled into the driveway. I happily got out and he groaned as he heard Little Benny scream.

"I'm not invited in." He mumbled under his breath as I trotted up the stairs, Ryan opened up the door to see me and Kai.

"Mr.Parker, please, come in." He said respectfully. I looked back at Kai and he smiled at me, he caught up to me and we walked inside my home. "Excuse my boy, Ben. Hes been very upset since Raes leaving." He explained closing the door behind us.

I made my way over to Jessica holding Ben in his arms. He was calming down be tears still streamed down his cheeks. His bottom lip curled as his vision must of cleared. I smiled down at him and reached for him as he babbled away in giggles.

"No. He is mine, I can hold my own son."

"Really? Because hes been crying ever since I've left."

"He has not!"

"Really? Because I can hear him from Nebraska! So just give me the damn baby and maybe then he'll quiet down." I heard a very small and soft chuckle come from Kai. I wanted to snap my head around and hit him but I wanted the baby.

"Jessica, just give her the little monster and let us go take a nap." Ryan mumbled.

"He is not a monster! With her hanging around she will be."

"Trust me, with you being his mother I'm surprised he isnt yet."

"Excuse me!" She yelled in my face, Ben started to stretch for me even more, he was getting impatient as she yelled.

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