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Once the memorial and little 'after party' was done Damon drove himself and I back to his place. I changed out of the black dress Caroline had lend me and got into a few pairs of clothes Damon lent me, meanwhile he got out if his black suit.

I met up with him in the hallway of their grand mansion. "What is your plans for tonight?"

"Well, I am going down to the kitchen and in going to grab some stuff a little harder than bourbon... then I'm going to sit on the couch and probably fall asleep there." He said linking my arm through his. "You like vodka?"

"Not even a little bit." I smiled up at him. "I'll take some wine, though." He scowled at my words. "What?"


"That's what I said, was it not?"

"Well it just takes so long to taste good, that's why I switched to bourbon."

"I'm not sure I follow..."

"Then I'll tell you some day. You still want wine?"

"No, I'll take some bourbon. I feel like I suits my mood." He chuckled and unhooked his arm around mind and basically lead me into the kitchen because his strides were so much longer than man. When I got to the kitchen a brief moment after he did.

There was a woman in his arms. A girl we never took with us. She had her face buried into his neck and was in his arms, he chuckled. "I knew youd make it out." He mumbled with pure joy and set her down.

She smiled up at him, it was the girl from the prison world, Bonnie. I had only gotten a glimpse of her earlier but now I could really tell why everyone was wrapped around her finger.

I brought my hand up somewhat slowly and shyly waved at her, it was so unlike me. "Bonnie, this is Rae. Her and Kai had a big part in helping get you out and coming home." Damon smiled, he held his hand out to me and I grabbed it, walking forward. Bonnie's face had gone blank when she heard Kais name, like she didnt know what to expect.

"Kai?" She muttered. "Shes with Kai?"

"Not like that." He addressed and she seemed to be relieved, I rolled her expression off my shoulder.

"I need to show you something." She said urgently, sitting at the table that looked as if breakfast threw up on it. She pulled out an old camera and Damom sat down next to her, I stood behind the two and looked down between them at device.

"Congratulations, you shot some walls." Damon said bluntly.

"Just wait," Bonnie scoffed.

"Who are you?" The woman asked on the tape. Bonnie had repeated the saying on the recording. Damkn took it from her hands to get a better look.

"What the hell is this..?" Damon asked quietly.

"There- stop." Bonnie blurted. Damon quickly paused the video and it was on a woman. She had raven curly hair that was down one shoulder, her skin was fairly pale and she had dark blue eyes from what I could tell. She wore a dark red dress that looked to be from the early 1900's along with a cute olden day hat.

"Oh my god." Damon slurred.

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"That's my mother."


The next morning I was freaked out, after Damon informed us about his mother he sent me right to bed and Bonnie back to Whitmore with Elena.

I rushed down the stairs immediately after I saw the sun rise through the curtains. Damon was getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" I asked urgently.

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