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"Well how the hell is he supposed to work this?" I asked picking up the crap piece of an ascendant Elena gave him. "I'm just as skilled as him in this field, and trust me, this wont level get one of us over let alone four."

"Four?" Elena repeated. "Who said your going?"

"Me. I'm sure Damon wont complain that I come with, and I know for a fact Kai would be extremely happy that I'd come with. So if anything itd be you to not come. Your the only one with no purpose. Damon knows which magical object he needs to bring to Bonnie's attention and Kai and I need each other to perform the spell because of this terribly rebuilt ascendant."

She looked at Damon as if she were asking if I was allowed to say what I said, Damon shrugged and Kai smiled at me.

"Make that five of you going." A new voice joined in, it was Jeremy. "I deserve to be there as much as everyone else." I groaned at the additional stress this would out me through but didnt bother to argue.

"So I have to do this?" Kai asked.

"Well it be kind of rude not to, I mean even just a message would work. It is her birthday after all, I wounder if she even knows it's her birthday... or if the days just blend together now." Damon said, trying to make Kai feel bad about leaving her. And it worked.

"Fine. I'll see what I can do with this hunk of junk." He said placing it in the pool table he sat on.

I picked it back up and felt the urge to crush it under my hands. It was a strange sensation, so I set it back down. "So who is Bonnie?" I asked.

"Oh god. She is amazing." Kai smiled at me, I nodded and gripped onto the pool table from how uncomfortable his comment made me. "Shes a witch, just a normal one. A very strong one though, she has this amazing attitude, very sassy. And shes gorgeous." He babbled on about this girl, she made me feel insecure about myself so I walked away. I heard another set of footsteps follow me into the kitchen.

"Hey, everything ok with you?" Damon asked as I turned the sink on and place the glass underneath the stream.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Why dont you go worry about your friend. I'm just here for the transfer." I blurted. "Once the spell is done I'll be out of your hair." I said shutting off the sink and started walking away but he caught my wrist before I got to far.

"Dont." He said, not looking at me. "Dont leave. You can stay here, with us. Your great company and from what I've seen everyone likes you- except Elena." He mumbled the last part.

"How do you know that? I've only ever encountered Stefan and Caroline once, Elena seems to not be able to get enough of me and Bonnie seems lovely, very highly spoken of." He could tell the true meanings under my hidden words.

"I'm sure what Kai said about her means nothing. He hadn't looked at her the way he looks at you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that even though he may like Bonnie. I mean cant you see it?"

"No. I choose not to I suppose." Half a smile formed on his face, he seemed happy I hadn't paid attention to Kai. I smiled back at him.

"Let's just go help your friend. I'm sure that this will be the least of my problems today." He nodded and let my wrist go, I started to walk back and he matched my pace, walking very close beside me.

When we got into the room they were in he leaned up next to a wall and I held my hand out towards Kai. "We doing this or not?" I asked.

"Hell yeah we are doing this." He smiled, slamming his hand into mine with a forceful shake.

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