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We were in the living room and all I could do is stare.

"You gonna yell at me or are you going to stand there." He asked innocently, I scoffed at him.

"I have so many things to say to you right now- I dont even know where to begin."

He didn't reply and I sighed.

"First. What the hell was that the other morning. You tried to kiss me. And I want to know why."

"It seemed like a good thing to do at the time."

"Ok at the time, but did you even think about the conflict that would put us through? Even if I wanted to be with you- which I dont, so dont even. But even if I wanted you, our covens would never allow it. My family wants me gone as it is, and your father wants to gone too. If they find out that we are anything more than just acquaintances they could try and kill each other."

"Yes, Rae, I know. I grew up learning these rules too."

"Well clearly you dont know, Kai! Otherwise I wouldnt be having to explain it to you! I know you dont care about your family, but I care about mine. And if they were to somehow fall because of us... Do you have any idea the strain that would put me through?"

No response. I didn't wait for one either.

"Another thing. Liz. What the hell? Now I'm not saying I necessarily like being nice to them but I honestly wanted to help. I want to be apart of them and I wouldve been able to prove myself to them that I was capable if you didnt rip me away! Which leads me to another part. You took me, made me follow and obey you until the ending of the merge. How the hell do you think I feel about that?"

"Obviously not happy." He said bluntly.

"Would you like me to go on?"

"Yes." He said without a hesitation, that threw me off and I leaned back crossing my arms.


"I said yes. Keep going."

"W- why?"

"Because I want to know why your upset at me." He mumbled, I ignored his sincere and kept rambling.

"First things first. Do you know how much blood you guys spilled? And with me sitting so close? If I wasnt so worried about what wouldve happened I wouldve fainted! Next, you were talking to Jo about how much you hated seeing the eclipse everyday. Dont you think I did too? Me helping you, you helping me, we were supposed to get out of there alive, unharmed, and separated. You the leader of your stupid coven and me gone!"

"It is not my fault they tricked me!"

"Your right, it's not! But I had every single ounce of hope you had- if not more that that merge would work! Then it failed, your family locked you up in your permanent penalty box and my family put me in mine. When I agreed to help everyone fear you I did it because of what I'd get in return! Not because I wanted to help you!"

"You dont think I know that? You dont think I knew that you just wanted to get out? I know you didnt like or want the responsibility to run your coven! We all knew you were first in line, and you feared it. And when you told me not even half of that I wanted to help you because I know what it feels like to have to do something- or be something you dont want to be!"

I was speechless for a moment, then moved onto the next topic. "And then you let Luke merge with you?"

"Well what was I supposed to do? I merged with someone didnt I? Just like I needed to, now I'm where I wanna be and Luke is dead!"

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