Chapter 19: Adrien

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Marinette knew what she had to do.

She opened a voyage, "I'm calling all the people Ladybug and Chat Noir have ever given a miraculous to. If you're hearing this then you'll know where to meet."

The voyage she opened was in front of any miraculous holder.

"We need all the help we can get."

Chat opened the box and all the kwami's that had temporary owners flew out, including Tikki, Plagg, and Fluff.

"Kalki, Wayzz divide." She called out.

"Fluff, Clockwise."

"Plagg claws out."

"Tikki, spots on."

They all transformed and waited for the prime to arrive.

Nobody knew where Marinette and Adrien lived, besides Alix and Mari's parents.

They soon arrived and all sat on the couch, waiting for Ladybug's instructions.

"What's going on, Ladybug?" Chloe asked.

"Hawk Moth is planning something big. We don't know what it is yet but, we need all of your help." Chat Noir explained.

Suddenly, the apartment door opened and Door Man (Dean Gate) walked through. Along with Sparrow, Uncanny Valley, Majestia, and Night owl.

"Can we be of any help?" Sparrow asked.

Ladybug ran over and hugged her, "Thank you all for coming."

"We heard your plea for help, Ladybug. We're here to fight by your side." Night Owl said.

Ladybug opened the miracle box, "Everybody, grab your miraculous."

When Kagami walked up, Ladybug handed her the Dog miraculous. She had other ideas for the Dragon.

Ladybug grabbed the Dragon and Peacock miraculous, "You ready, Chat Noir?" She asked.

Chat took the peacock and Ladybug took the dragon.

"Longg, Tikki, unify!"

"Plagg, Dusuu, unify!"

They turned into Dragon Bug and Shadow Noir.

"You guys need to transform." She said.

"Trixx, let's pounce."

"Wayzz, shell on."

"Pollen, buzz on."

"Sass, scales slither."

"Kalki, full gallop."

"Shuupu, showtime."

Kagami looked at her kwami, "What's my power?" She asked.

When Kagami held a miraculous before, she had the Dragon kwami Longg and transformed into Ryuko. This time she had no idea what her power was or the command to transform.

"Your abilities are flying, levitation, going through solid objects, and super strength. All you need to say is "Barkk, let's go for a walk." Then you will transform into Marshall, dog miraculous holder." Barkk explained.

Kagami nodded her head, "Barkk, let's go for a walk!"

Everybody had finished transforming and they all looked at Dragon Bug and Shadow Noir.

"I know it's been very long since any of you have held a miraculous... Before we were just teenagers but, now we're adults and we can use our power as many times as we need before transforming back." Dragon Bug explained.

Miraculous: The love squareOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora