Chapter 11: "It's your choice, Adrien."

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"I love that we can work together, Adrien. But, photoshoots are tiring."

"Yeah. They seem to be easy when they're kinda stressful."

"So where to now?" Marinette asked.

"Luka's? Everybody is over there." Adrien suggested.

Plagg and Tikki popped their heads out of Marinette's purse, "I thought we didn't like Luka." Plagg said.

"We don't but, he's still Mari's friend and I need to 'play nice' because she's nice to my friends."

"That's a very mature thing of you to do, Adrien," Tikki said.

"Whatever makes Milady happy."

Mari giggled and they started to make their way to Luka's house.

"Thank you, Kitty." She awed.

"I would do anything to make you happy, Marinette."

She kissed him on the cheek before walking into Luka's.

"Hey, you guys made it!"

They greeted everyone and went to sit on the couch.

"Adrien, Marinette, This is Lila. My girlfriend."

Marinette and Adrien's jaws dropped.

"You guys are..." Adrien stutters.

"You guys are dating?" Mari finished for him.

"Yeah. We started dating a few weeks ago." Lila said.

"That's great for you!" Marinette said with a fake smile.

She was confused about why Luka would get with such a terrible person like Lie-la.

Adrien was just as equally confused. Why would Lila flirt with him earlier in the day when she had a boyfriend?

"You two make a very good couple." Rose cheered.

"Thank you. I'm so happy to finally be back in Paris with my friends and boyfriend. I've missed you all so much while I was traveling." Lila seeks attention.

"We're so happy to have you back." Mylene cheered.

Mari was getting mad and about to stand up when Adrien put his hand on her leg and gave her a look.

It calmed her down and Adrien put his arm around her.

"Truth or dare, anybody?" Lila asked.

Everybody agreed to play, besides Adrien and Mari. They stayed quiet.

"Aren't you guys going to play?" Alya asked.

"We'll play," Adrien said.

Marinette was so annoyed, she scoffed at Adrien, "I'm not so sure I want to play."

"Relax, Milady. It's just a game." He winked at her.

Luka and Lila looked at each other before looking back at Adrien and Marinette.

"He's right," Luka said.

"Nino." Lila questioned, "Truth or dare?"


"Who did you like before you started dating Alya?"

Everybody looked at Nino, waiting for an answer though a few people already knew.

"To be honest, I liked Marinette," Nino admitted.

"Why did you stop?" Luka asked.

Adrien motioned to get up but, Marinette elbowed his stomach.

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