Chapter 15: Priscilla pt. 2

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Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn't understand what had just happened.

"Milady, I'm about to transform back."

Ladybug looked down at his ring and he only had one paw-pad left.

They both ran across town and jumped through Adrien's window,

"Claws in."

"Spots off."

Adrien and Marinette gave their Kwami's food and they flew over to Adriens bed to rest.

After giving them the food, the two heros stared at each other. At the moment they didn't have time to talk about the break up or anything related to their relationship. But, Adrien walked over to Marinette and caressed her face.

She looked up at his beautiful green eyes and felt a certain level of comfort that she only felt when she was with him.


She backed away and leaned on the couch, "Look, we can't right now. We need to figure out how the hell Lie-la got the peacock miraculous."

Adrien was confused, "How did you find Tikki?" He asked.

Marinette's face went blank and she knew Adrien would have to find out the truth, "She found me...."

"Where?" He asked.

Mari was hesitant to answer, "Luka's.... He saved me when I fell off of the tower."

The more Adrien thought about it, the more everything made sense, "When we all saw you fall... It obviously wasn't you. It was a sentimonster!"

Mari gasped, "And Luka must have saved me before that so it gave Lila time to make the monster and make everyone think I died."

"Do you think she's working with Hawk Moth?"

"I dunno," Mari sighed, "But, we need to take her miraculous and find a way to explain to everybody that I'm not dead."

Before they could say anything else, they heard screamed outside and ran to the window to see what was going on.

They saw a giant snake slithering through town and people looked like they were zombies.

"What is that?" Mari asked, "Another sentimonster?"

Adrien knew that Luka and Lila were working together since weeks ago but, he couldn't find the words to explain it in the moment.

"It's probably one from Luka's embodiment." Adrien said, "But, why a snake?"

"I-I erm..." Mari stuttered, "I gave Luka the miraculous before the tower..."

Adrien turned to look at her and his Chat Noir started showing. The jealousy, the rage. Emotions that Mari mostly saw when he had the mask on.

"Why did you do it?" Adrien asked, "I saw so many people walking around with a miraculous in the last month!" Adrien raised his voice.

Marinette whipped her head around to look at him, "You have no reason to be mad! You broke up with me! It wasn't the other way around, Adrien! You left me to fight by myself! You're the one who said "I hate you. We're done Marinette." I didn't walk out on you! You walked out on me!"

"Do you think I wanted to?! Luka threatened you, Marinette! He knew you were Ladybug, he knew you were the guardian and he threatened to tell people!"

Mari was in shock. Why would he do that to her, "If he did tell people..."

"You would have to pass on the box and lose your memory." Adrien finished for her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Marinette asked.

Adrien leaned in the piano and his back was facing Marinette, "I would rather you keep your friends and family... even if it meant I couldn't be with you anymore."

Mari wrapped her arms around him and buried her nose in his neck, "Don't ever do that to me again, okay? We're Ladybug and Chat Noir. We don't have to fight things alone , Adrien."

He turned around and hugged her tightly while resting his head on hers, "It wasn't an easy choice. I had to renounce Plagg..."

Mari broke the hug and looked up at him, "Is that why you weren't there?"

"If I kept my ring on, there would be nothing stopping me from knocking at your window like I did all those months ago."

"You should have, I would have understood."

"But, do you now understand why I did what I did?" Adrien asked.

"Yes. I know now."

"We can finish this later." Adrien said, "For now we need to take back Luka and Lila's miraculous."

Mari agreed, "Tikki, spots on."

"Plagg claws out."

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