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~ Harry ~

"Stop fussing, I'm trying to braid your hair." Louis complains.

"You should be thankful, I let it grow long enough for you to braid it." I say.

"Yeah yeah, I'm very thankful." Louis says. "Now sit still. I'm not good at it, but I don't want it to look too bad"

"I'm not going to stop poking until you give me some attention." I mumble as I put my head on Louis' shoulder.

Louis is currently translating some contracts. He has his own office close to the Hall of Mirrors. He's clearly very important for the whole treaty stuff. He's sitting behind his desk while I'm trying to get his attention.

My finger pokes his (a/n: facial) cheek once more. Louis suddenly stopped the computer and began to slowly rub my back. "I'm trying to work, curly." He says.

"You've been working too much." I pout.

"You've been very clingy." He says.

I sigh. "I'm nervous about meeting your mom."

Louis chuckles softly. "I didn't expect anything else of you." He says. "It's not necessary though, she'll love you."

"Just like you do?" I ask him. I immediately regret it though, I don't want to be rejected but I also don't know how to respond if he says that he loves me.

"Hmm nice try," Louis says. "I'll say that I love you when I feel like it. But right now, I feel like working and pushing you out the door."

"That's mean!" I complain.

"Life is very mean." He says. "But I suppose you can stay here if you stop distracting me."

"Fine." I grunt and I move away from him.

"Hey don't leave," Louis whines. "You can sit next to me and pet my hair but no poking me."

I can't hold back a desperate whine when Louis scratches my scalp while also tugging my hair.

"What? does that feel good?" He asks with a smirk.

"Don't stop." I mumble.

So he keeps massaging my head while also reading a German contract that he has to translate to English.

"Noo it's too cold! Come back!" Louis yells at me when I want to leave the room to get some breakfast.

I can't say no to him so I return to our beds (they're pushed together).

"Now I'm not letting you go. It's way too early to get out of bed." Louis mumbles as he clings onto me. "And besides, you need to keep me warm."

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this," I murmur, watching my Louis stir beside me. The only reply I get is a quiet "hm?"; and a grunt.

Louis eventually turns and acknowledges me beside him. "Well good morning to you too, love." A grin spread across his face.

"I've had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is tea and someone to cuddle with," Louis said to himself while descending the stairs.

"Have mine, I haven't touched it yet," I offer him my tea. He falls down on the couch next to me. I scoot in closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Take my tea," he insisted. "Talk to me about your day."

"Are you wearing my shirt?" I ask, curiousity filling my deep voice as I flip the last pancake on the pan, my green eyes flicking towards Louis.

"Uh.. No?" Louis answered hesitantly, his eyes wide with immediate shock. "Aw! Lou, you're so cute! It looks like your wearing a dress!" I coo, my bare feet padding against the wood floor as I make my way to my Louis.

"N-no it's not!" Louis denies, his voice raising an octave. I wrap my arms around him, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet, humming softly.

Louis buries his face into my chest, breathing in my scent. "Is there a reason why you're burning the pancakes, or have you now noticed the burning smell?"Louis asks after a moment, pulling away from me.

I glance around the kitchen, my eyes landing on the pan on the stove. "Shit!" I curse, breaking away from Louis and running toward our now burnt pancakes, taking them off the pan and throwing them into the trash.

"Sorry about that Lou, I didnt realise.." my voice trailes off, my bright red (a/n: *sigh* facial) cheeks burning.

"Hey, Haz, dont worry about it babe. We- you, can make more." He whispers, resting a hand on my back. We both continued to make breakfast together - I was the one making breakfast while he was watching my movements while telling me stories. We were laughing and having fun for the rest of that morning.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Louis asks, his gaze trained on the darkening sky. We're laying on the roof of the building. We had a picnic here earlier today. "Yea, it is," I reply fondly. Instead of the sky, my eyes were on Louis. When Louis noticed his eyes on him, he blushed. Louis doesn't blush very often, but when he does, it's very cute. I give a soft smile before pecking him on the cheek and turning my gaze upward.

"What is this?" Louis asks me after I kiss his (a/n: facial) cheek.

I chuckle at the fake grossed out face he's making. "It's called affection, silly." I giggle.

"Disgusting." Louis says.

He stays quiet for a few seconds.

Then he says: "Do it again."

"I'm jealous of you." Louis says.

We're in our room and Louis is getting dressed in front of the mirror.

"Why?" I ask.

"Your roommate is way hotter than mine." He says.

I think about his words for a second. When I realise what he meant I throw a pillow at his back. "That's mean!" I exclaim.

He smirks at me through the mirror. "Just joking, love"

"Star-gazing was a good idea," Louis says as the rain poured over his words, barely making them audible enough to hear.

I simply nod as though I knew what he was saying. "Why did you want to stargaze? It's raining." I ask back, looking over to realise he was already staring at me.

"Aren't you a pluviophile?" He asks.

"A what?" I ask him.

"A pluviophile; one who loves rain."

I frown, who loves rain? It's cold and makes your clothes stick to your skin. "Isn't rain like crying clouds?" I ask.

"Yes exactly!" Louis says excitingly.

"That's a good thing?" I ask.

"Yes. It's not only refreshing and it smells good. It's also like clouds have been holding its tears for so long, it finally bursts, the clouds are releasing their feelings." He tells me.

"That sounds beautiful." I admit. "But I wouldn't go stargazing right now, it's very cloudy."

"I didn't necessarily want to go stargazing," He confesses, gripping onto the handle of his umbrella until his knuckles turned white, "I was actually thinking of dancing in the rain with you."

(A/n: smut in the next chapter ! :)

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・▼ )

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