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(A/n: my longest chapter yet, it's twice as long as normally so you better be grateful.)

~ Louis ~

"That's a good way to start the new year." I say. My voice is a bit hoarse, it wasn't like this before the kiss.

Harry smiles and his dimples might kill me one day. His eyes sparkle and his cheeks (facial cheeks, not butt), nose and ears are red. Which means he's cold and blushing at the same time.

He looks down at my lips. I can't not kiss him, it's almost physically impossible. No one can see us, and no one deserves to see.

I push him against the wall, softy of course, I don't want to hurt him. A groan, that makes me lose it completely, escapes from his mouth. I pin him against the brick wall with my hands next to his face and I kiss him. So desperately. So needy. I kiss the place where his dimple is when he smiles, the tip of his nose and then I go back to his mouth. And I know this is wrong. I know we can get caught but it feels so incredibly good. And I can't stop. I can't take my hands off him. Even if I wanted to pull back, I wouldn't be capable of doing so. I have lost complete control over my body. And it scares the shit out of me, because I had never felt something like this before; so beautiful. So genuine. So intense. So, so, so, hot. I feel myself frown while kissing, completely concentrating on kissing him. I have kissed a few boys before, but none of them felt like him. None of them made my heart beat as fast as now. I want to drown in this kiss. I want to live in this moment forever. But I know I can't. I knows we'll eventually have to pull back to breath. But, right now, oxygen is extremely overrated in my opinion.

~ Harry ~

I've never been kissed like this before. I've only kissed my last girlfriend, it wasn't too enjoyable. It was way different than this. I didn't know I could feel this way. My body feels hot and tingly. My back is pushed back against the wall and his body is pressing against mine. His hands explore my body and I feel like I might pass out.

We eventually pull back to breath. Our  forehead are pressed against eachother and my hands are on his chest. He presses his nose besides mine and I lift my chin up. Our lips touch and my hands go to his jaw. This kiss is different than the others. It's slower and less needy. He kisses me with on hand on my waist and another hand behind my neck.

He pulls away, only to come back immediately to give me one last peck. "Come, we don't want them missing us too much." He takes my hand and leads me back inside. A smile is sitting on my face and I think it might be permanent. I feel very alive, in the best way possible.

Thomas walks up to us with three glasses champagne. "Happy New year you two." He says. "You weren't here with the count down, but I saved your drinks. " He gives us the glasses.

"Thank you, happy New year." Louis says. I realize that I haven't even wished Louis a happy new year. "Happy new year." I say to Thomas. We drink our champagne while going to my mom and my drink sister. We tell them happy new year and go upstairs.

We go to the bathroom to brush our teeth. We are standing in front of a big mirror and he's pulling funny faces. I try to keep my mouth closed because I don't want the toothpaste to drop on my suit. And it will, if I laugh out loud. I push him to the side in a playful way. He steps back right after I pushed him, this time, he steps closer so our sides are touching.

When I don't push him to the side again, he gets even closer so his body pushes me a little to the left. I decide to ignore him so he'll stop. He doesn't stop though, not that I should be surprised. He keeps pushing until I can't see myself in the mirror anymore. I let out an annoyed huff and i walk around him so im on his right side.

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