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~ Louis ~

Harry had some problems falling asleep yesterday. He kept moving and he seemed uncomfortable. After a while he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He came back far more relaxed and he fell asleep with his head on my chest.

I woke up an hour ago because his hair got into my mouth. I don't like to wake up early but this way I can watch Harry sleep. Which sounds scary, but he always hold me so tightly, like he's afraid of drifting away if he let's go. So, I just make sure he doesn't drift away, it's as simple as that really.

He's slowly waking up and I start massaging his scalp because I know he likes it.

"Good morning, Curly." I whisper. Instead of replying, he nudges his head, wanting me to continue to massage him.

We lay like that for a while until Harry breaks the silence. "Can I talk today?" He asks, he doesn't sound annoyed or afraid of the answer, he sounds curious and a little shy.

"Of course you can." I chuckle.

"You're annoying." He sighs.

"I never said I wasn't."

"You're bossy."

"Don't pretend like you don't like it."

As expected, he doesn't answer but pushes his face against my chest out of embarrassment. I realize that I find this almost as cute as when he's blushing, so I decide to try to get him to blush.

"You're cute."

I don't know if it works because I can't see his face, he just mumbles a "thank you".

I lift his head up so he has to look at me.

"You're pretty." I say. He instantly blushes of course.

"It's almost too easy." I chuckle softly.

"Don't stroke your ego to much, I always act like this." He says stubbornly.

"You always fall asleep on people's chests? Damn, I thought I was special." I tease him.

He smiles, showing his dimples. He pushes his head in my neck and says: "It's nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today. And yesterday too, but you called me an octopus so I don't know if I liked that."

"Hmm you don't like it when I call you that?" I ask. "Maybe don't act like an octopus then."

He ignores the last part but says: "you can call me whatever you want, but not mean things."

I wrap my arms around his body tightly and I hide my face in his curls.

"What's your favourite place?" I ask.

"Dunno." He mumbles. "Is it bad that I don't have one?"

"I never had one before either, I actually just realised what my favourite place is."

"Tell me."

"You know that moment when you wake up and you need a second before you realise where you are? That place between sleep and awake where you can still remember your dreams?"

He nods against my neck, so I continue.

"It's my favourite place. You don't remember anything about your miserable life, you just remember your dream and you know what happens when I leave that place?"

Harry looks up at me.

"I see you, laying on my chest."


"What should we buy?"

I look at some price tags and I'm very happy that Thomas gave us money to spend.

"I don't know, just rich people shit, we have to blend in." I say.

The store is very... White. The walls, floor, ceiling and lights are all white. It's not personal or comfy but I'm with Harry, so I'm having a good time.

"I like suits." He mumbles while he looks at at the suits. I smile fondly at him, imagining him in a suit.

"What colour? I feel like we have to be on the same level as the rich, but we got to stand out." I say "So you should wear a suit but don't wear black."

"Everyone wears black suits." He says. I walk towards the section where the suits are and say: "they always look like penguins."

I hear him chuckle and he mumbles: "they do."

There are many suits here with various colours to choose from.

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask him. He looks at me and answers: "blue."

I chuckle softly and decide to tease him. "Light blue or dark blue?" I ask.

"Light blue." He mumbles while looking at his shoes.

"And why is that?" I ask while looking for the right suit.

He doesn't answer so I turn around to look at him. Our eyes meet briefly but he looks away before I can read his emotions.

I know he's embarrassed so I decide to stop asking about it. I get his size and the right colour (I picked the one closest to my eyecolour).

When I turn back to him to show him the suit, I see that he still looks a little embarrassed. I'm going to try to cheer him up.

"I have an amazing idea!" I say excitingly. "I know exactly what I'm going to wear."

I gather the clothes that I want to wear while Harry's eyes are following every movement. "We have to try it on." I say. I pull Harry to the fitting rooms.

I give him his suit en we go into (separate) fitting rooms. I undress myself and I look in the mirror. I look better than a few days ago, but you can still see my rib cage very prominently.

I get dressed as fast as possible. I'm wearing black trousers and a green button up. A very specific shade of green that looks really good with the blue suit that Harry will be wearing.

I get out of the dressing room and I wait for Harry to come. "Curlyyyyyyy" I whine impatiently.

Then the door of the fitting room opens and he walks out wearing the light blue suit. To say it looks good on him would be an understatement.

"You look stunning." I tell him. His face turns red and his hand curl around his waist. "Thank you." He says shyly.

His eyes trail up and down my body before he looks up to meet my eyes again. "You look   gorgeous." He smiles.

"Good, we look like proper rich people now." I say.

"I'm wearing a light blue suit, rich people wear black ones." Harry informs me. I shake my head and step closer to him: "you're wrong curly, rich people can also wear blue suits."

"They wear navy blue, not light blue." He says stubbornly. I step even closer to him and I hold his face between my hands. "Well then rich people are boring. I guarantee that we will look the absolute best at the party tonight." I reassure him.

His face lights up and he leans into my touch. He smiles brightly and I press my thumbs into his dimples.

"Now, we just have to survive this stupid party."

i fell in love in 1914 ~ l.sWhere stories live. Discover now