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~ Harry ~

It's the 31th of December. Which means that it'll be 1915 soon. Me and Louis are very close and it's not uncomfortable between us at all. We talked about our feelings, Louis said it is very important that we communicate a lot and we have been. Louis did starts most conversations because I'm too shy to even think about going up to him to have a conversation about our feelings.

We never said "I like you" or "I have feelings for you". Louis said: "we should take it slow and see where our hearts lead us." Which is another way of saying that we should "go with the flow", a sentence he wouldn't say because it sounds dumb and it's cringy.

He also said: "der Kurs der wahren Liebe verläuft nie reibungslos." He said this during the Christmas truce and he still hasn't told me what it means, which frustrates me because I really want to know. It probably won't be too interesting because he said it a few hours after we met so it can't be anything to deep or personal. But this is Louis I'm talking about so he might surprise me.

I remember that he told me it's a Shakespeare quote but Shakespeare wasn't german, so he translated a quote because he didn't want me to hear it. Or because he only knows it in german, but that doesn't make sense because he told me he learned this in school and he went to school in England.



"That's the dumbest thing I've every heard," Louis says dramatically. "You could just say Louis, it already ends with a y sound."

"But it'll look weird if you write it down because your name ends with an s." I say.

"Good thing we don't have to write it down then." He says.

"It'd be horrible to write this all down, I'd feel bad for any author who writes our story. You have to write about war and an annoying Louis." I tease.

"Meanie." He says. "It'd be so exhausting to write about how you're so oblivious. We should be very thankful for the author." (A/n: say "thank you" right now, peasants).

We're laying in bed looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. Our sides lay against each other and I realise that I like him, really really like him. I've only met him a week ago, but we've spent every day together.

I roll over to my stomach so I lay on top of him with my chin on his chest. "Thanks for suffocating me." He says while smiling fondly at me. He wraps his arms around me and softly scratches my back. I lay the side of my face on his chest and I feel his hand going to the bottom of my shirt.

His hands are now underneath my shirt and they're exploring the skin on my back. He scratches and massages my entire back. At the beginning his nails move across my back softly but now his nails are now pushing into my skin and it feels amazing. He massages me roughly and I know that he's leaving traces. My back must be very red and covered with scratches. I don't mind though, it feels too good.

He pinches my side and I let out a sound because it tickles. "Should I go softer?" He asks me. I shake my head in his chest and he chuckles softly. "So you want me to go harder?" He asks teasingly. "Stoppp" I say while hiding my face in his chest. "You want me to stop?" He asks. He's so annoying but I can't help but smile.

"If you continue to be so annoying.." I try to think of something to say. "Then what?" Louis asks challengingly.

"Then you will face the consequences." I say because I can't think of anything else. He chuckles and continues massaging and scratching my back. "I really want to find out what the consequences are, maybe you can show me later." He teases but he continues massaging me.

i fell in love in 1914 ~ l.sWhere stories live. Discover now