Chapter 28: L

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— Tuesday 6:59 pm

Alcoholics raise stoners. You can't change my mind. Not only did I hit a blunt a few hours ago, but I also fucking balled my eyes out. I'm just being so sensitive right now. And I don't know why.

God I can't with anything right now. I just want to be ok. I want the perfect family. The perfect grades and friends. The perfect son. I wish I could be the perfect boyfriend.

I decided to call him.

I clicked on his contact and called him.

"Hello?" His voice sounded soft. "Hey." I responded. He chuckled. "Is there a reason why you called me?" He giggled. You don't understand how perfect he is. How beautiful his voice is. How, when he touches me it feels like I'm the only beautiful person he's ever seen.

"Yeah." I whispered. I actually wasn't sure why. "You don't seem like your normal self." I could hear him walking. "I miss you." I set down my phone next to me and put it on speaker. I hit the blunt once more.

"Come over?" He closed his door. "Am I enough for you Clay?" I looked out the window. "Of course you are George. Why do you ask?" I sighed and put down the blunt. I'm surprised my mother hasn't walked in on me.

"I'm in a mood." I looked around my room. I smirked. "Are you now?" I could hear his smirk. "Yeah." I put up the phone to my ear.

"Come over." His voice was no longer soft. "How about.. You come over?" I walked to my window seeing who's cars were in the driveway. My mothers boyfriends car wasn't here and neither was my moms. They could've gone in the same car. "My bed is nicer." He whispered. I grinned. "This isn't the same bed as the one at my fathers house." I whispered too. "Fine." He hung up.

—7:19 pm

"You took forever." I yawned. He grabbed my hand and brought him closer to his chest. He leaned forward to my left ear. I could feel his breath. "I like to keep you waiting." He whispered and then kissed my cheek.

"Well I guess it doesn't matter anymore because I fixed my problem already." I winked. "Yeah but I'm sure I can make your problem reappear." He grabbed my chin. He put his lips so close to mine they were just barley touching. He whispered, "let's take this somewhere else."


"I literally can't right now." I smacked him in the face playfully. "Why notttt" he smiled his beautiful smile. "We can't go out and buy cupcakes because 1. I smell like sweat and sex. 2. I literally can't get up right now. 3. I don't want to go out." I grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to my shoulders. "Then go shower? I'll even shower with you." I rolled my eyes. He reached over me to grab his phone. "I was serious about showering. Let's gooo." He opened some snaps and looked at people's stories. "Fine. Hand me some clothes. Then we can shower." Clay got up and grabbed my clothes. He set down the clothes and grabbed his keys and walked out.

I got into my elbows and tried to hear if the door had opened. It did. Where was he going? (Literally went outside naked I guess?? He just went out in shorts Bc ig men can go out shirtless)

After like a few seconds I heard the front door open again and he came back with his own clothes. Literally what??

"There is no way in hell that you just have a spare change of clothes in your car." He chucked and grabbed my hand. I soon got up and he lifted me up and carried my bridal style while I had both of our change of clothes in my arms.

I had a bathroom connected to my room. (Of course you do omfg rich 🙄) he set me onto the bathroom counter. He turned on the water and then carried me into the bathtub full of warm water. (George can prolly walk he just wants to be carried by Dream 😀)

We sat there for a while. "I hate you. You know that." I made little waves in the water. "Shut up before I get soap in your eyes." He said while he put shampoo into his hand. I took a deep breath and looked around me. "Get it in my eyes I dare you." I splashed water behind me so it would get on him. "I really like this scent." He said and he put the shampoo in my hair. "You know I really hate how you're washing my hair right now" I also liked the scent Clay. That's why I bought it. I giggled a little.

"It's fine you can wash my hair after I'm done washing yours." I could hear his smile. I don't know if you know this but he has the most beautiful smile ever. It brightens up my life even when my best friend has to jump around houses. He grabbed the handheld shower head and washed out the shampoo.

"Ok now you have to wash my hair." He got up and sat in front of me. "Oh my god ok." I kissed his neck and grabbed the shampoo. "Do you actually like this scent?" I asked. As I put the liquid onto my hands. "I mean yeah. It reminds of you." "It does?" "I mean yeah. When I lean down and kiss your forehead I get the scent so yeah." I smiled when he said that. I lathered the shampoo into his hair.

"Do you think it tastes good?" He asked. I was confused about what he was talking about. "What?" I let out a breath "the shampoo. Do you think it'd taste good?" I grabbed the shower head and washed out the shampoo. He turned around. I reached over him to grab the luffa. I got some soap on it and washed him as well. "I don't think so. I mean it tastes like soap." I commented on what he had asked. "I mean yeah. You're really pretty." His eyes were staring at the water but his eyes made their way up to mine. "Thank you. You are too." I leaned in and kissed him. "Compared to you, I'm not cute or hot." "Yes you are." I grinned at him. "Fine. I believe you." He kissed me again.

—9:13 at the store.

"What kind of cupcakes do you want?" I asked as we scanned all of the flavors. "Blueberry!" He touched every one of the boxes. When I say every one of them I mean, every. single. one. I chuckled. "Alright." We put the box of cupcakes into the cart. "So I talked to my mom." He said under his breath. "About?" He put his hand on mine. I was still holding the cart. "Alex." He took a deep breath. "She said she could let him stay in our house for as long as he needs."

Things were going to be ok.

— ayoo so I decided I'm going to take like 2 days writing and procrastinating and then 2 more days to actually finish writing and get the editing done Bc I don't wanna put pressure on quakkkiwastaken

So yeah lmao. Most of my teachers hate me (cool idc) got my grades up but I have two Cs and that's not good enough for my mom. And I have to have it down by Friday or my phone gets taken away but ok. Going to go play Minecraft with my best friend

Love you all!

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