Chapter 21: sleep over

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Thursday 4:23 pm

"God dammit Sapnap stop punching me! Can't you see I'm trying to place down blocks so we don't die in the nether?!" Clay was yelling at Sapnap well because, Nick kept punching him. Karl was coming over later today.

"Bad can you come and get him for me?" Clay asked. Bad told us he liked the name bad so I guess here we are.

"Fine. Alex please come and finish this house. Zak can you help Alex?" Bad started running to the nether portal. Alex quickly started to get wood but then Zak started fighting him so it turned into a whole mess.

I on the other hand wasn't playing and was sitting with Clay. I was like a koala hanging onto him. Honestly I wasn't sure if he minded or not but whenever I smiled into his chest he would start laughing. He'd take one hand off of his controller and play with my hair.

"Sapnap I swear to fucking god!" Clay was yelling and it was hurting my ears but I didn't say anything but squeeze my eyes shut. "Sorry George." He whispered.

"Clay you're acting like a fucking baby. Just stop building in the nether and we wouldn't have this problem!" Sapnap was hitting him again.

"Language." Bad whispered. Then he whispered something into Zak's ear. I'm guessing it was something funny because Zak became red and started laughing.

"Sapnap you're acting like a dick! Literally leave me aloneeee!"

"Dream get over it and come help me farm some potatoes!"Sapnap was trying to lead him to the nether portal which was like 100 blocks away I'm guessing.

"Fine whatever." Clay started following Nick. I'm guessing bad walked back to the nether portal.

"Zak you little bitch! Give me back my wood!" Alex was yelling at Zak and Zak was laughing and he wouldn't calm down.

—6:47 pm

We all decided to go out and eat some McDonald's and we ordered our dumb food and we ate it in the car. Bad and Zak were flirting but I don't think they know we could all tell that they were flirting. Karl had finally showed up. Karl and Nick were flirting too. Alex was sitting in the back. Like, it was the trunk but the trunk opened up to the car so we all faced each other so I mean he was in the very back. Clay and I were sitting in the front.

Now you see we weren't flirting but we weren't exactly being extremely rude. Play fighting.

"Please stop eating my fries you know how much I love them." I took the fry that was in Clays hand and ate it.

"Hey! We should all pay attention to me!" Alex yelled from the back.

"Um no." Sapnap yelled.

"Fuck off." Alex slapped Sapnap. Karl hugged Nick. They were all good.

Alex or whatever
I fell like the 7th wheel. Very uncool.
6:55 pm

Come sit with me and clay
6:56 pm Read

He crawled into the back seats and hit Bad and Nick on the way to the front.

"Hey ugly bitches."

"Hey ugly dumb bitch." I rolled my eyes at him.

— 8:23 pm

We all decided to watch a movie. We started to watch Coraline. We weren't even paying attention to the the movie honestly. We were all laughing at dumb shit on our phones and showing dumb memes and showing each other dumb texts that someone had sent us months or days before.

Alex was sitting with Sapnap and Karl. Alex was the one in the middle. Sapnap had his head on Alex's shoulder and so did Karl. Zak was with Bad. Both trying to make it seem like they weren't holding hands under the blanket.

I on the other hand was showing Clay some dumb pictures in my phone. He laughed at some and then just looked confused at others.

"Tell me George, what was it like to be loved by every student in your school?"

"Well, it was nice. Then it wasn't when all the pressure to be the perfect person became worse. But I loved it for one hot minute. Tell me Clay, what was it like to be the hot jock?"

"It was alright. It sucked because everyone thought I was a dick. Every girl thought I was out to get her when in reality I liked guys. Everyone thought I did drugs and got drunk and I got bad grades. I didn't though."

"I'm sorry Clay."

"It's not your fault." He smiled a weak smile. Our foreheads started to touch and we just smiled.

"I think, I really like looking into your eyes."

"Clay shut up." I pushed him away so our foreheads weren't touching anymore.

"Guys I'm tired let's all go to bed!" Bad was whining. Zak nodded.

"Sure hold on. We can all sleep downstairs. I have inflatable mattresses." We all walked down stairs and there were atleast like 4 mattresses. One for Zak and Bad. One for Nick and Karl. One for Alex (poor Alex he has no one to cuddle with :( I don't think he liked being shipped so) and the other on for me and clay.

We could all hear Zak and Bad laughing and giggling and whispering. Most of us didn't mind but Alex sure did.

"SHUT THE HELL UP." Alex flipped them off and went back to fall asleep.

—12:12 am

Clay and I had been awake. You see we can actually whisper quietly and not wake anyone up.

"Haha George stoppp we can't make out here. We're literally in front of all of our friends."

"Then let's take it somewhere else." I winked. I grabbed his hand and he followed me.

We got into the bathroom and our lips instantly found their way to each other. Then he tongue was asking for permission in. After a good ten minutes or so his lips and teeth met my neck.

My neck was now painted different shades of purple.

Soon enough it was over because we didn't want to get caught.

—ayo I'm looking for like someone to spell check this story so like an editor or sum um you'll need these things:

Send me ur email so we can edit on a google doc
Good grammar and spelling
You need to be able to give me some ideas for future stories and ideas for this one

— lol dm me on here if u wanna be my editor or whatever also you don't get paid I'm sorry

Love you guys!

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