Chapter 19: Kiss

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Saturday 1:23 pm

I had almost forgot what had happened last night. But then I remembered and I was having a great morning. I got to my moms house yesterday and I stole her car and I guess stealing her car at 1:23 am because now I had a boyfriend.

I woke up to a family out in the living room watching tv. My moms boyfriend had a son named William and a daughter named Julie. William talked to me a few times and Julie didn't even acknowledge my presence.

I walked over to the couch and opened my phone to see a message from Clay.

Good morning:) wyd?
11:10 am

I'm watching tv rn 🤢
1:36 pm

It didn't take him long to respond to my message. It was truly nice of him to not respond hours later unlike me.

I'm hearing my sister talk abt her
friend group wanna come over?
1:40 pm

Let me ask my mom
1:40 pm

I looked up from my phone and I just blurted put "Can I go over to my friends house?" My mom looked over at me and sighed. She looked at her boyfriend and then looke at William.

"Take William with you." She looked back at her tv show. William was around my age he was a year younger than me and was like an inch taller than me.

William looked over at me and I looked down at my phone in forming Clay of the latest news.

i have to take my mums boyfriend
son with me.
1:42 pm

Oh sad ok I Wanna see
you either way so come over?
1:43 pm

Ok ttyl then :) <3
1:43 pm

Just now

I nodded at William and he stood up and put his shoes on. I put mine on and I borrowed my moms car.

We got into the car and I played some music.

— At clays house or whatevah 😜

I knocked on the door and I saw that Lani was standing at the door way.

"George! Guess what!" I smiled at her and William just stood by me.


"I got into my school play! I'm the lead!" I smiled at her and I nodded.

"That's great! Am I invited?" She led me and William inside. She led me up to Clays room.

"Of course you are!" She smiled and left to go to her room.

I said hey to clay and I sat by him on the bed. William sat down in Clays chair.

"You guys wanna play some Minecraft?" Clay asked. I nodded as an answer and William just said a simple 'sure'. Clay turned on his PlayStation and went to go steal his sisters controller.

We decided to play on survival. I died a few more times than the other two but I mean Clay tried to protect me when he had the chance. I kept screaming, Clay kept laughing, and William was talking and making jokes.

"God, i feel like such a third wheel right now." William spoke up. Maybe he was just kidding. Maybe he wasn't.

"Why's that?" I asked while fighting a zombie.

"You guys are sitting so close to each other and Clay just gave you half of his diamonds. Don't forget the fact that he keeps on giving you mushrooms.

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