Chapter 16: The Untold Truth

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Three years had passed since Dipper brought Wendy back to gravity falls. Dipper tries to make a proper knot with his tie, but is unable to. Noticing Dipper struggling, Pacifica comes in to help Dipper as she makes a full Windsor note for him. Dipper is getting nervous as today is finally his wedding day. The wedding was hosted at the Mystery Shack and everything was going well so far. People are chatting about the couples getting married, while Wendy's friends are trying their best to maintain high level professionalism, even though they just want to wreck everything like old times.

As Pacifica finishes tying, Dipper starts to get nauseous as he begins to cough up blood. Pacifica doesn't react as much as this was a normal for Dipper during the past three years. Pacifica wanted to talk about Dipper's deteriorating health, but Dipper doesn't. To Dipper, nothing matters more than the wedding itself. He wants everything to go perfect with nothing getting in the way.

Dipper asks if the table for Stan, Ford and Wendy's family remained empty, as it was a tribute for the deceased members. Pacifica replied yes as she reassured Dipper everything was fine.

Although Dipper ignores the pain, Dipper is scared about Wendy. Everyone knew why Dipper wasn't in the best condition, everyone except Wendy. Dipper believed that the best course of action was to never tell Wendy at all. He didn't want to worry her about the past mistakes he made and didn't want to bring more troubles than Wendy already carried, trying to adjust to the new world she is in.

Pacifica turns to face him as she grabs his hands. She looks deep into Dipper's eyes as she confronts Dipper's current problems for him.

Pacifica: "Dipper, when I got married to your sister, I was just as scared as you. I was worried about what might happen. I knew my parents would not approve, but I was more scared about what Stan and Ford might think about me. After all, I was still a West at the time."

Dipper: "What did they think?"

Pacifica: "They were all for it. Matter of fact, I think they saw it before I even told them I wanted to date Mabel. Anyways, Mabel always told me this, 'Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift! That is why it is called the present!"'

Dipper: "Where did Mabel get that?"

Pacifica: "Surprisingly, he got it from Stan! But, now I think about how the words were phrased, I'm pretty sure Stan got it from Kung Fu Panda or something."

The two friends started laughing. Dipper couldn't help but cry though as his father figure is still giving him advice through the lenses of different people. He started crying even more when he realized that his father figure was not here to see him get married. Pacifica gave Dipper a hug, unable to understand Dipper's pain, but grateful she never had to.

Meanwhile, Wendy is at the other side of the shack. She begins to have headaches as she starts having visions of Dipper and Bill Cipher making a deal. She visions thousands of people being slaughtered by Dipper while Bill screams out Dipper's name in rage. Wendy tries to ignore these visions as she passes it off as side effects of time travel. Mabel walks in, checking up on Wendy's mental condition.

Mabel: "How's the bride doing?"

Wendy: "I know this is sudden, but don't you think Dipper is rushing things a little too quick. I mean, we have only been dating for like 3 years, also there is so much I feel like I don't know about him."

However, that didn't bother Wendy the most. What really irritated her was the visions of Bill Cipher and Dipper. She didn't understand why she had these visions nor she understood how it was related to her. She couldn't piece together what she's seeing as she only gets fragments of what happened while she was gone. Wendy decided not to hide things anymore and address the issue to Mabel. Wendy really needed guidance as she doesn't want these visions to ruin the overall wedding. As she tells Mabel her problems, Pacifica walks in.

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