Chapter 8

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 Arrived in the mystery shack, Dipper wanted to talk to Mabel about what he should do. Dipper was uncertain whether it was a good idea to break up with Pacifica just so he has a chance to date Wendy. Dipper is constantly worried about how Pacifica would react, knowing any reaction she would give, would only indicate a sign of a broken heart. However, Dipper also knows he loves Wendy more. He knows that Pacifica is incapable of replacing her no matter how he lied to himself.

As Dipper opened the front door to the mystery shack, Dipper noticed Stan, Ford, Melody, and Soos playing their last game of spoon before they called it quits (Spoon is a game where each player has a 4 cards in their hands and one person draws a card from the remaining deck and can either swap a card or pass it down to the next person. The goal of the game is to get 4 of the same number card and take a spoon lying in the middle. The person who does not have a spoon is the loser.)

Stan greeted Dipper as he noticed Dipper wasn't having the summerween mindset like Mabel was. Stan grabs Dipper sulky shoulders and brings him into the game, putting an extra spoon in the middle. As everyone is passing down cards they begin to listen to what was troubling their nephew.

"So kid, what's wrong?" Stan asked.

"You would understand Grunkle Stan. I'm having a midlife crisis." Dipper replied.

"Dipper, we beat an ancient pyramid demon who has the ability to control time. I don't think your mid-life crisis could be any worse than what we faced last summer." Ford commented.

"I guess you're right." Dipper said.

"Dude, tell us already cause I'm having a hard time anticipating and playing the game." Soos stated.

"Well, I've been dating Pacifica Northwest for almost a month now because I never believed Wendy would fall in love with me. I thought that if I loved Pacifica enough, I could get over Wendy and move on. However, recently Wendy told me she loved me and kissed me. I still love Wendy, but I don't want to break Pacifica's heart. I know I made a mistake, but I'm just contemplating whether or not it is even worth it." Dipper replied.

"Dipper, the longer you let the relationship last, the harder you're crushing Pacifica's heart." Melody stated.

"Explain?" Dipper replied with curiosity.

"Before I was dating Soos, I was with this guy, James. He was a nice fellow, but after a while I didn't find him attractive anymore. We would fight a lot and he would go out everyday with his friends. It wasn't until I met Soos that I realized I no longer loved him. During the first two months of me and Soos dating, James tried to make it up to me.

However, I didn't feel the same with James as with Soos. I was afraid of breaking his heart, so I didn't tell him. Eventually, he found out three months in and Soos was angry as well. I told Soos I was sorry, and I am lucky enough I found someone as forgiving as him. I cheated on James without telling him and instead of resolving this peacefully, he punched me out of rage. I totally deserved it at the time." Melody explained.

"What are you trying to say?" Dipper asked.

"My point is, I hurt a lot of people and caused long term damages with someone's emotions. I played with James and he was never the same since. He started going heavy on booze and drugs and eventually overdosed. I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did and hurt both Wendy and Pacifica in the long term. Better to remove the band aid now then letting it stick like duct tape, only for it to hurt worse."

Dipper understood what Melody was implying and thanked everyone for their support. Dipper was the first to draw a four of a kind, quickly reaching in for a spoon, and winning the game. Dipper went upstairs to the attic and noticed Mabel was already dead asleep before he was. Dipper went into his bed and closed his eyes, knowing what to do the next day.

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