Chapter 5

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Two weeks goes by and Dipper gets ready for his date and is about to leave the Mystery Shack. Dipper is putting on the best outfit he could find and started fixing his hair. As he is about to leave the Mystery Shack, Wendy comes into the gift shop.

"Hey Dipper!" Wendy greeted.

"Hey Wendy!" Dipper replied nervously.

Dipper had not seen Wendy ever since his first day back at Gravity Falls. Dipper already met everyone in town so there wasn't any excuse for Dipper to avoid his best friend. In reality, Dipper had been avoiding Wendy because he is still trying to get over her. He wants to believe that him and Pacifica are a perfect couple and wants the relationship to work.

Wendy starts to pull her hair behind her ear as she looks towards Dipper.

"Dude, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout at my place?" Wendy asked.

"Like right now? I kind of have a date soon. Maybe later today?" Dipper replied.

"Uhh... sure man! I'll see you at my place around 4?" Wendy stated.

"Sure." Dipper answered.

Dipper had rushed out of the shack to meet for his date with Pacifica. Dipper was getting nervous as he had never been on an actual date before. He was so used to getting rejected, it never occurred to him what he should do once he actually scored one. Dipper had been asking Stan, Ford, and even Soos for first date advice, to which everyone said for him to just be himself. It didn't help make him any calmer though.

While Dipper is rushing for his date. Mabel had overheard Wendy and Dipper talk. As soon as Dipper left, Mabel came beside Wendy and decided to tell her what Dipper had been up to.

"Hey Wendy. How've you been?" Mabel asked.

"Just chilling Mabel, nothing much." Wendy answered.

"Okay quick question... WHY ARE YOU LETTING DIPPER GO ON A DATE WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" Mabel screamed.

Wendy started to jump out of fright as she looked at Mabel.

"What are you yelling about. Dipper just said he is going on a date. Is there something wrong?" Wendy asked confused.

Mabel slapped her face as she reiterated her cry of caution.

"I mean, why are you letting Dipper date someone else other than you. And of Pacifica of all people. I know you love him Wendy. The fact that you are actually relaxing for this summer break, that you are now taking better care of yourself ever since Dipper got here.... I may not be as academically smart as Dipper, but when it comes to love, trust me I know what everyone is thinking."

Wendy tried to argue against Mabel's statement, but was interrupted by Mabel's rapid observation.

"Ever since you got here, you're speaking softer than usual, you're not looking at me when I'm telling you what you can't believe, and it is so noticeable that you wanted to see Dipper. If you wanted to just tell him you wanted to hangout, you would have either texted him or called him. Now please don't tell me I'm wrong!" Mabel explained.

Wendy had nothing to say as she tried to utter an excuse, but couldn't. Instead, she gave and admitted defeat.

"Alright I have a huge crush on him!" Wendy exclaimed.

"When?" Mabel questioned.

"Ever since he told me he loved me after the mystery adventure we had." Wendy admitted.

Mabel was shocked as she didn't think Wendy had a crush on Dipper for almost three years.

"Holy cow! That long! Now that is something I didn't notice. Why didn't you say you like him then?" Mabel stated.

Gravity Falls FanFiction, Falling for time.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat