Chapter 12

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Wendy, Candy, and Grenda come back to the mystery shack as the girls are cheering. Wendy admits to Stan that she lost and was not able to save him from his punishment. Stan dramatically gets on his knees as he yells in disbelief. Ford starts laughing as he is already dialing the pizza restaurant, ordering large pepperoni pizzas with extra garlic bread. While this is happening everyone goes inside. Wendy, without taking a look at Dipper and the chaos that is unfolding around her, rushes to the bathroom to test her new device.

Wendy tried fiddling with the machine, but is unable to make it work. She notices a little knob on top that is able to pull. However, she tries pulling it only for the machine to not work. After fiddling with it for another thirty minutes, she figured out how to use the device.

The device had four rotating pins that pointed to year, month, day, hour, and minutes. The pins indicated an exact time and date the device would take Wendy. Wendy set it just ten seconds before and pulled the string once more. After taking a pull, everything started going backwards as Mabel's friends stepped out of the house cheering in reverse. Wendy appeared back outside, in front of the shack, reliving a moment she had just experienced. Stan was once again, on the floor in disbelief that he lost the bet while Dipper was staring at Wendy, happy to see his girlfriend again.

Wendy knew that this device she was holding was a time machine. She was able to go back to any moment in time she wanted to. Her heart started racing, experiencing time travel for the first time. Holding the power of time, she started thinking about the first mistake she would try to fix, however, her train of thought came to a sudden halt when Mabel started slamming on the door.

Mabel: "Wendy!! The pizza arrived. Are you okay?"

Wendy replied that everything was alright nonchalantly as she hid the device behind her waist. She joined everyone for dinner and watched as Mabel was chowing down on her pizza like a monster.

After a couple of hours, Mabel went to her room, suffering from extreme food coma as her friends waved goodbye. Pacifica gave Dipper one last hug as she still wanted to remain as close friends. Dipper returned the favor, wrapping his arms and giving a gentle squeeze in response. Everyone left, except Wendy who was sitting in the front porch, grasping onto her new machine.

Dipper, Stan, and Ford walk out, enjoying a can of pitt cola together. They barge open the door as Dipper finally tells his two great uncles that he's dating Wendy. Although they already knew, they wanted to congratulate the two of them in person. Stan yelled for Wendy's attention as he exited the front door of the shack.

Wendy was startled as she jerked up and hid her new invention in her waist. Ford, however, noticed and realized what machine she was holding. Wendy turned to Ford, Dipper, and Stan pretending she was not hiding anything.

Wendy: "Hey, what's up?"

Ford was not buying her bluff as he grabbed her arms and reached for her back pocket and pulled out her newfound device. Ford did not want to believe what he was and wanted to blame his imagination for deceiving him. However, as he took the mechanism away from her, his suspicions served him right.

Ford: "Where did you get this?"

Wendy: "It's just a piece of junk. I don't know what you're so worried about?"

Ford gave the device to Dipper. As Dipper takes a better glance at the machine, he realizes it similar to the same time travel device he used three years ago.

Dipper: " Wendy! This is a time machine! Where in the world did you get this?"

Wendy: "I found it in the forest while we were playing paintball. I ran into someone who dropped it. I didn't know what it was, but when I pulled the lever it moved me ten seconds back, so I figured it was a time machine."

Dipper: "Wendy, you can't use this thing again. It's dangerous!"

Wendy: "Dipper, what are you talking about. This machine can save my family. My little brothers... my dad!"

Wendy starts tearing up as she expected Dipper to understand. She wanted Dipper to side with her personal opinion, however, Dipper refused.

Dipper: "Wendy I know things are tough with your family gone. But, it's too dangerous to alter the past. It might do more harm than good! Please believe me. I promise we can get you through this, but you just need to trust us."

Wendy doesn't explain herself as she pushes both Stan and Ford aside and swipes the gadget for herself. She runs off into the darkness of the forest as Dipper, Ford and Stan chase after her.

Wendy continues to run, unsure where she is heading, but she stops herself as she arrives at the same cliff she first tested her new instrument.

Wendy has one foot at the edge of the cliff as she. She sets the date to the day of the accident: December 12th 2014. Wendy has her left hand ready to pull the lever as Dipper, Ford, and Stan arrive just in time to reason with her. Everyone is exhausted as they take one last breath before reasoning with Wendy.

Dipper: " Wendy you can't do this."

Wendy: "Why not Dipper? Why can't I save my family from my mistake? They didn't deserve to die that day!"

Ford: "Wendy listen! If you alter the past it could bring significant danger to everyone else. It can completely change the overall course of history. Matter of fact, you might not even be able to change the past no matter how hard you try!"

Wendy: "But, there is a chance right. Even if I fail once, I can always go back in time to try something new! C'mon Stan! You did the same thing opening that portal to save your brother. Why is this any different? You understand my point of view right?"

Stan: "I'm sorry kid, but I agree with Dipper and Ford on this one. I almost caused the federal government from discovering the portal and everything. We only got out of trouble because Ford was able to solve the problem. This is totally different Wendy. I'm sorry, but you need to hand over the device."

Wendy: "Dipper... please. Convince them they are wrong! This is my family we are talking about!"

Dipper: "Wendy... you remember the day you first started going out with Robbie at the carnival, the first year I came to gravity falls."

Wendy: "What the hell does this have to do with anything?"

Dipper: "Hear me out. I used a similar time traveling device to prevent you from dating Robbie. I went back so many times, I couldn't tell you how many. But, no matter how many times I tried, I failed. You ended up dating Robbie and Mabel got her pig that day. Eventually I succeeded, but because Mabel helped me, someone else got Waddles instead and Mabel never let up the fact she lost him. No matter how far I went in time, Mabel stood there at the same spot, waiting for it to come back to her. So, I gave up. I let you go in exchange for my sister's happiness."

Wendy: "But this is my family we are talking about. Who cares about some fucking pig! Plus, you said you did it! You altered history."

Dipper: "Wendy! If you go back time to save your family, you might cause more damage to someone else. To someone you care about. You might not be able to save them at all. Who knows what could happen."

Wendy: "It does not matter if I can't save all of them, but at least one!"

Wendy takes a look at her device, looks up and takes another glimpse and Dipper's face. She loved Dipper for who he was. She loved how Dipper put his own needs over hers. She loved how he always makes the painful choice for the betterment of others. However, she cared more about her family than she did Dipper. Tears start to pour out of her eyes as whispers to Dipper that she loves him.

Ford and Stan already know what Wendy was up to. They try their best to stop Wendy as the two old twins lunge themselves towards Wendy. Wendy jumps off the cliff and pulls the lever, causing everything around her to atomize. The world moves in reverse. Wendy closes her eyes as she waits to be summoned on the day of the accident.

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