Chapter 6

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As Dipper is trying to relieve Wendy when he looks over his right and notices the empty medical canister labeled "oxycontin" was empty. Dipper noticed that Wendy was suffering from trauma. He slowly let her go and looked deep into her eyes. Just from that one glance, Dipper already knew Wendy was facing the withdrawals of the painkillers. The pharmacy was closed down for the day so Dipper had to find other ways to help calm Wendy down.

Wendy was shocked to see Dipper in her house as she didn't expect him to actually come. She assumed he would spend the entire evening with Pacifica. With a guilty look on her face, she asked Dipper about his reasons for coming.

"Dipper... why are you even here. I thought you were on a date with Pacifica?" Wendy stated.

"Wendy, asked if we could hang out later today and I said yes, besides, I was kind of worried something happened to you. I know you're on medication, so I just wanted to see if you were doing alright." Dipper replied.

Dipper wanted to ask more about the pills she was taking, but he felt he was asking the obvious, Dipper didn't want to worsen Wendy's mood and Wendy was tired of crying. Dipper decided to lighten things up as sat up from the floor and headed towards the kitchen. Dipper checked the cabinets and refrigerator as these ingredients peaked his interest the most: linguine, chicken breasts, tomato sauce, and olive oil. Just looking at these ingredients alone, Dipper already knew what he wanted to make for dinner. He took the apron that was hanging against the kitchen counter and began preparing the meal.

Wendy could only watch as Dipper sliced all the vegetables with intense ferocity and boiled the noodles to complete al dente. Finishing the chicken parmesan with some basil, Dipper brought the finished product onto the table for Wendy to stare with amazement even further.

Wendy had no words for how amazing this dish was. Only being able to utter her bewilderment with facial expressions, Wendy was eating with her eyes first.

"Dipper, when did you learn to cook?" Wendy asked.

"My parents would come late from work every once in a while and I couldn't let Mabel keep eating sugar packets for dinner. I wasn't good at it first, but after a couple years of practice, you get used to it every once in a while." Dipper responded.

The two began eating as Wendy' eyes were unable to stop tearing. Wendy was crying because of how amazing the food was. This was her first home cooked dinner she had in a while and sitting with Dipper made her remember a little family dinner she used to share with her deceased family. As Wendy continued crying and eating, Dipper just watched, flattered of how much she loved his cooking.

After the two friends finished their dinner, Wendy offered to help wash the dishes, unable to watch him do all the household tasks by himself. From Wendy's phone, a soothing jazz starts to play, setting the relaxed atmosphere of the house. The two friends took their time washing the dirty plates as neither friends wanted this moment to end.

Although it was relaxing, it was too quiet for Wendy. Taking a little breath, Wendy broke the noiseless moment.

"Hey Dipper. I was wondering, what is life in California like?" Wendy asked.

"Just loud and liberal. There are really dumb trends like putting coffee in avocado shells, vegans are trying to take down meat based restaurants, and you can't go a inch without having someone get offended about something that wasn't even offensive in the first place. However, it does have its cultural charms." Dipper replied.

Wendy gave a confused look and Dipper noticed. He continued on to explain his definition of 'cultural charm' .

"Like if you want authentic Asian Food or food that originated from a third world country, you don't have to travel across the world to get it, just go to California." Dipper continued.

Dipper was split on which place to call home. There was California, a place he had lived for the majority of his life. On the other hand, there was Gravity Falls, a place where he made his first friends, felt accepted for his weird quirks, and a place he can truly be himself. After mentioning the differences between Gravity Falls and California, he wasn't exactly sure where he truly belonged. Wendy cut his train of thought when she yelled 'FINALLY' after they finished cleaning the last remaining utensil.

Wendy hopped back onto the living room sofa, staring at the ceiling. Dipper sat down on the floor, beside her head, and stared up at the ceiling as well. Dipper was unsure what fascinated Wendy to stare at the same spot for so long. He tried looking at different areas of the house and couldn't find a single thing amazing.

While he was frantically looking for what Wendy was absorbed into, Wendy was staring at the little knife marks that her brother made when they were playing around with the kitchen knives. Her father wasn't there to scold her, but luckily, no one was injured. The activity meant so much to Wendy that was the last family bonding she ever had with her brothers. The house meant so much more than a place of shelter, but rather a place filled with family memories. Wendy was unable to let go of these precious moments that were recorded within the house.

Dipper eventually gave up, unable to find what Wendy was glaring at, he changed the pace of the overall conversation.

"So, how have you been doing as of late?" Dipper asked.

Dipper wasn't sure the best way to start the conversation, however, he felt the last time they talked, Wendy wasn't exactly truthful of her mental state. Her face was covered in melancholy, looking at Dipper, and answering truthfully.

"To be honest Dipper, I am not sure myself. I'm paying my bills in time, but I don't feel accomplished. I feel I grew up too fast and the weight of responsibilities are pushing down against me. You may think you know what I'm saying, but you don't. I want to tell you things that I have been meaning to tell you for a long time. There are things I always wanted to do, but can't..."

Dipper started embracing himself, already hearing what Wendy was about to say. Dipper begged Wendy in his mind for her not to utter a single word. He wanted things to remain simple. He wanted the two of them to remain friends. Even though Dipper loves Wendy, he didn't want Wendy to love him back. Dipper really wanted to move on as he himself couldn't believe the two of them as a couple could ever work. The overall age gap between the two friends, the long distance from Gravity Falls to Dipper's home in California, and the current situation Wendy was in, would only destroy their friendship between themselves rather than build a romantic one. Wendy continued as she uttered the words right into Dipper's soul.

"Dipper... I think I love you!" Wendy stated.

Usually Dipper would be ecstatic from hearing Wendy confess, but all he could feel was shame. Dipper wasn't able to process the news however because just as Wendy confessed her feelings, she confidently dove herself into Dipper's face and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. Dipper only pushed her off him as he wasn't expecting Wendy's bold attempt. Dipper sat up as he left Wendy's house, stuck in a bubble of confusion.

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