Chapter 9

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A slightly longer chapter this time.

He never returned, even after assuring me he would. I don't understand why I care if he is here or not. I aspired to leave him; now I'm unsettled that he forgot about me. I didn't search for him. Why should I? He was the one that left me here. He might've wanted space, but he was the one that lingered around with me.

The treehouse was sufficient for me to remain. It was pleasant, and I adored it here. It swiftly grew to be my favourite place, keeping me dry while it poured, keeping me warm when it's freezing. How he left this place baffles me.

The animals became my most dependable friends. Now that Dewei had left I wanted, no needed someone to communicate with. The animals listened, they didn't understand what I said, but they quietly listened. They swiftly adjusted to me being with them constantly and became acquired with my routine.

I awoke, showered in the river nearby and then later I hunted for food. I didn't enjoy this, I craved to be at home with my parents plus my pack. Even though it wasn't the greatest time of my life, it was something I wanted to reminisce on.

As I was wandering around watching for an animal, one that was sufficient enough to satisfy me for the day so that I wouldn't need to kill more than I need to. I wouldn't become one of the rogues that killed for pleasure, relishing in the thrill of ending an animal's lives. My exceptional hearing picked up the sound of a wolf running. What bothered me was that I couldn't recognise if it was running away from something but what I did know was that it was coming toward me.

As it bounded throughout the shrubs that unluckily surrounded me, blocking my sight. I saw the killer hungrily watching me and I trembled in disgust. Its amber coat matted with the blood of its prey. Its muzzle was dangling, showing me the razors that supplied the monster's mouth. I hurriedly scanned nearby. Wishing, pleading that there would be an outlet to my future. I didn't want to die this way, being killed by a rogue was regarded as a sin. Not being capable of killing a rogue, persuaded people that you were weak, both physically and mentally. People thought that rogues were shallow but only a few acknowledged differently, they calculated how to get the most satisfying kill, what way would hurt the most. They are smarter than several members of my former pack.

I encouraged myself as I saw a gap amidst the bushes, small enough for me to get through without disturbance. The wolf in front of me would have to struggle its way through if it craved to kill me, and by the blood lust in its eyes, it wants me dead. I evaluated the situation contemplating if I had a genuine possibility of surviving.

While I was distracted, the wolf lunged at me, my heart froze. This is it this is how I will die.

"I'm sorry. I'll be with you soon. I love you." I whispered excepting my fate. As the wolf grew closer I closed my eyes, not wanting to stare death in the eyes. I waited for the excruciating agony of the beast's jaws to be clamped around me, but it never arrived. I could detect scuffling from nearby but it was presumably the wolf stalking around me, making me more fearful than I already was.

I gradually opened my eyes as the sounds ceased, assuming I would see the rogue. What I witnessed bewildered and alarmed me. The rogue dead, head entirely of its body, its haunting eyes scowling at me, condemning me to the punishment of memorising this moment eternally. Punishing me for the pain it endured. I laid starring at the beast, but I didn't feel mournful. It was going to kill me; the threat is diminished but why do I still feel frightened?

I couldn't identify who killed it. I couldn't kill it; I would be too ineffective, and I was too afraid. Someone killed it to save me, otherwise, why would I be alive? Was it Dewei? But if it was, why would he leave me?

I swiftly sprang up and scurried away from the scene. The eyes of the rogue lingered in my subconscious, tormenting me. I gently walked to the area I now call home, stepping as quietly as I can, scanning for predators. When I arrived at home I instantly fell asleep in the bed Dewei had set up.

After sleeping for a while, the sound of someone walking across the floor awoke me. I didn't jolt as I wanted to recognise who was in the treehouse and what their intentions are. The footsteps grew louder as the person shifted closer to me. I waited for the intruder to flee before I glance around the treehouse.

"Why did you allow the rogue get close to you? Do you want to die?" The presence whispered; I couldn't recognise who it was just through their voice. However, I did feel them caressing my hair. "I'll always protect you." They spoke as they bent down and kissed my forehead, they then left the treehouse. I gradually stood up as I strolled around the treehouse to see if they had taken anything, it wasn't mine but if Dewei returned he would expect everything to be where he left it. However, everything was where he left it.

After my exploration, I sat on the bed and thought about what just happened. Who was it that spoke to me? They must've presumed I would stay asleep, but they woke me up. All I could think about was if they have sat over me before while I was asleep. Their words resounded around my head. Why would they protect me? Who were they to me? I would have usually been terrified but for some weird reason, I felt safe and loved.

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