Chapter 7

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We were continuously walking till it grew dark. I concluded that I should locate someplace to rest.

"Dewei, it was nice meeting you, but I'm I need to find somewhere to sleep." I believed it would be beneficial if I informed him I was going that way he would not be disturbed.

"I can show you somewhere to sleep and you'll be safe."

"No! I don't know you, you don't know me, so how can you so how can you be sure?" In actuality, I just desired to get away from him. I do not know him, so I should not feel protected, but I do.

"I'll protect you; I promise you!" He turned, studying me and smirked. I believed him. I did not want to, but I did.

He held out his hand, softly inviting me to go with him, but I simply could not. I desired to for some mysterious reason, I did, but I will not go with him.

"No. I'll go by myself, thank you though." That was the last thing I said before walking away, leaving him staring at me dumbfounded.

"I'll find you!" I could hardly hear him, yet he yelled at me, I was too far away from him. I continued walking, giggling to myself.

Eventually, I discovered a hole. Big enough that I could fit in. This would be the place that I would rest in. Where I would kill the night, it was not the greatest, but I will take anything I could find at this point. It was already midnight and I was alone. Animals were scuttering all over the ground, striking at my ankles. Fleeing from predators, assuming I would protect them, but what they do not know is that I am running from my predators, rogues.

When I stirred, it was pretty early in the aurora. The birds were tweeting, awaking the creatures. As I wriggled out of the hole, I was faced with feet. My response to that was to screech.

I heard someone laughing above me and I looked on to see Dewei grinning down at me, seeming satisfied with himself.

"How did you find me?" I was astounded to see him after I ditched him I assumed I would never see him again.

"I followed your scent and found you here, in a hole, when you could've been sleeping in an actual bed." I was startled to know he caught my scent and that he had genuine beds.

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